#HRTip : Single Fix to Solve TOP HR Challenges
#HRTip : Single Fix to Solve TOP HR Challenges
Welcome to episode two of HR tips. Today we'll talk about something very interesting. So last week I was talking to one of the gentlemen, one of the HR executives, at one of a decently mid-sized company, service company. And we stumble upon an interesting conversation, and I want to share with you all.
So it was about he was sharing with me some of the top challenges that he is facing in his role as an HR, as a chief people officer for an organization. And our sort of conversation went into ... we end up I think looking at pulling out one of the article that he was reading, it's about top biggest challenges that HR is facing in 2019, and how some of those challenges are directly reflecting to even his journey.
And interestingly, most of the challenges that HR is facing has almost a single solution, so I'll walk with you on that. So the article I think he was reading from one of the top eight, I think the top article, the top eight challenges facing an HR. So, some of the challenges actually that he was talking about in that list were engaging the workforce, the challenge; attracting talent to their enterprise; managing relationships; training and development strategies; talent retention; diversity in the workplace; embracing inevitable change; and employee health and well-being.
So in this list? So if you compartmentalize a bunch of these issues, so you can easily see that managing relationships, it is paramount in that wholeness, that almost fixes a lot of other things too, right? So if you somehow create meaningful relationships, successful relationship within an organization - you can have an engaged workforce, because you obviously you have ... And interestingly, when I talk to the gentlemen and they ask them, "Hey, what is your biggest worry when someone leave,"? Why would someone leave? I'm sure most of us know the answer? So either it's toxic ecosystem around us, either it's some situation that I don't negotiate early enough with my HR or with my organization before I plan to switch.
And I asked him, "Hey, when you move your house, what are some of the things that you worry about," right? And some of the top things he said, "Hey, my kids' school needs to be changed, my network needs to ... like I need to rebuild my friend network and all that, the social network that I have created around me that needs to be revisited." So I said, "Those are the same sort of indicators that a worker thinks about when they're moving on," right?
Read More at: https://tao.ai/single-fix-to-impact-top-hr-challenges/