The HRPRo Loop #7

The HRPRo Loop #7

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A Perfect Storm

This is the 7th edition of the HRPro Loop. And the last one before the summer starts. It's been a tough first 6 months of the year. The Covid-worries were replaced by the war in Ukraine. And guess what, Covid is back. Inflation is soaring. Social unrest is high. Supply chains are disrupted. Energy resources changed from commodity to scarce resource. It is like there is no end to disruptions and upheavals. The talent shortage is high. It's like a perfect storm. Let's assume this will never change.

The HR Profession can contribute a lot to building resilience. Resilience is the capability to bounce back, or even forward after setbacks. To be resilient organizations need to have a climate of trust, leadership, learning, and collaboration, ... These are all human capabilities. And therefore, the HR profession has a key role to play.

The question is if we play the role that is laid out for us? Every organization has the HR quality it deserves. It means that it's up to every organization to decide how far they want to go in building the capability to attract, develop and motivate the people and to build the context in which they can thrive. Organizations that have neglected this, will for sure suffer as they have less access to the dwindling talents.

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I'm sure many of you are struggling to get it right, knowing there is no one-size-fits-all solution. As a profession, we need to pull together and share insights, experiences, and solutions. Organizations might compete in the labor market, but collaboration will make the cake bigger, not smaller.

There is a book called "Foe or friend" about how to compete and collaborate at the same time. It holds many lessons for us, HR professionals. Maybe it's a tip for the summer when you are bored at the side of the swimming pool. Collaboration, more than competition, is what will help us overcome all the challenges mentioned above.

But let's not be na?ve and believe in the brotherhood of men. Our competitive nature is responsible for all the bloodshed and as we know, humanity does not change. Behavior does not change. Even though we know feminity can help us, masculine leadership cultures seem to prevail. In spite of all the talk about belonging, positive psychology, purpose etc. there has never been more surveillance, restrictions, centralization, control, distrust than before. This is not the path to pursue.

I would like to thank all the associations and partners of HRPro and also our sponsors Poolstok and RGF Staffing Belgium for their help in building an hr community.

I wish you the best summer you've ever had.

David Ducheyne, President of

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HRPro Mentorship

HRPro has started a mentorship program for HR. We are looking for mentors who are willing to spend some time in helping young HR professionals to find progress in their careers. Find more info below.

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HRPro: Freelance HRPro Coordinator wanted

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HRPro: The 7 guiding principles for HR is now conducting a?survey?to gather feedback on 7 guiding principles for HR. These were defined during the last spring and we seek to finalize them by October 2022, but not without checking their importance and feasibility. We were inspired by the CIPD and other professional associations when drafting these simple principles. The first presentation of these principles was done on April 28th at the Conference of the VOV.?

So, take 8 minutes to fill out the questionnaire and tell us what you think.?

You can access the questionnaire?here.

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HR Trends

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Our partner AIHR has published its 2022 trend report, very worthwhile to read. We know we have to be careful with trends. The challenge about the future is that we have to predict it (or shape it).

But HR can benefit from looking into the future and anticipating the many changes that are coming our way. As usual, the future is probably already there, but maybe not in all its force.

Let's be careful with the fads, and focus more on the trends

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The ILO Monitor

The ILO monitor is out. Check out the insights from the International Labor Organization, one of the oldest supranational bodies.

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Evidence Corner

Last Wave on the AMS Corona Research, supported by HRPro

(text taken from the website of AMS and translated to English)

The corona crisis is forcing organizations to look for other ways of working. Together with VBO/FEB and, AMS has been regularly sounding business leaders and HR professionals since April 2020 about the impact of the pandemic on the human capital in their organization. From April 2021 onwards, we were also be surveying employees.

The pandemic has changed the normal way of working in organizations and has accelerated a number of evolutions such as telework and digitalization. Insights into the consequences of the pandemic for work and careers are not only important for organizations and their employees to get through the crisis as well as possible. They also offer tools to monitor the (mental) health, connectedness, and employability of employees in the longer term and thus creates sustainable careers.

New ways of working

The results show that telecommuting has taken center stage. Employers have started to trust their employees more but they struggle with the connectedness of employees as they are less physically together in the workplace. There is a great concern for the mental well-being of employees. A lot of organizations have had to shift gears flexibly to respond to sudden changes in their activity levels.?

This is expressed in the internal reallocation of employees and in the digitalization of work. A limited number of organizations are also resorting to temporary hiring of staff from other employers. Training is under pressure in many companies.

We see similar trends among the employees surveyed: corona is putting pressure on their mental well-being and their connection with employers and colleagues. Some have lost confidence in their employer to some extent and 1 in 4 is looking for another job. At the same time, many do see a positive influence on their learning curve and employability. Due to the rapid changes in working methods or work content, and they developed new skills. Digital skills are at the forefront here. These were mainly developed 'on the job' rather than through training.

Go to the site of AMS and download the whitepaper there.

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Focus on increasing costs - VBO-FEB

Every six months, the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium surveys its member sector federations to measure the economic temperature. Based on this survey, an assessment is made of the Belgian situation and the prospects for the next six months.

  • Cost slippage is currently by far the biggest problem for companies. Inflation is at a level of more than 9% in Belgium, which, through automatic wage indexation, means that wage costs in our country will rise by around 11% in 2022-2023, 5 percentage points faster than in our neighboring countries.
  • This triggers a wage-price spiral that is already in full swing, as the underlying inflation rate (excluding energy and fresh food) is also already above 5%.
  • The widening wage gap with neighbouring countries will reduce our market shares, make our country less attractive to foreign investment and trigger new relocations.
  • Consequently, economic growth in our country will come to a virtual standstill in 2023 (0.5%) due to a decline in business investment and an increasingly negative contribution from net exports.
  • If the wage-price spiral continues and inflation rises above 10%, a recession in 2023 will be difficult to avoid.

Read further below

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Strategic Briefings from WEForum and EAPM is a member of the European Association of People Management. Thanks to that membership we can offer HR Professionals in Belgium the Strategic Briefings from the World Economic Forum on 4 selected topics.?

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Books & Browsers

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This book is about 'good work'. What makes people thrive at work? What makes people perform well? People want to grow, discover and function well. That requires the right conditions: basic psychological needs that must be met. Good work ideally satisfies these basic needs: autonomy, connectedness, competence and purpose.

Autonomy means that we want to decide for ourselves what we do and how we do it. Connectedness is about our need for social connection. The need for competence is about not wanting to be helpless or powerless. Purpose: people have a need to be meaningful.

'Autonomy Connection Competence Purpose' is for you if you want to help other workers do good work. From your role as manager, as (team) coach or as involved colleague. You will not find extensive intervention programs, but rather useful, small-scale actions that you can apply today for more job satisfaction, balance and better performance.

Matthijs Steeneveld (2022) Autonomie Verbondenheid Competentie Purpose?Leidinggeven aan mensen met de kennis van nu

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The HRPro Agenda

There are many things that are offered to HR Professionals these days. Here you can find a selection of activities organized by hrpro-members and some selected other activities of non-members.

  • September 13th -?HR for the Future?How can HR shape the future??Brugge Concertgebouw - All Day - VHR -?[email protected]
  • September 15th -?About Integration?- ProHR -?More Info
  • September 15th - VOV Pitstop Tools -?VOV?-?More Info
  • September 19th?- Employee engagement, what else??- HR Club West-Vlaanderen -?More Info
  • September 23rd - Petit Déjeuner ADP - More Info
  • September 27th -?50 years PMC?- PMC - More info
  • October 13th -?VOV Masterclass - VOV -?More Info
  • October 17th -?Slim verlonen, what else??- HR Club West-Vlaanderen -?More Info
  • October 17th - Colloque et Prix ADP - ADP Liège - More Info
  • October 20th -?Job Mobiliteit?- HR Public -?More Info
  • October 20th -?Salon Epsilon?- Epsilon -?More Info
  • October 24th -?Teamdynamieken op het werk?- Vocap -?More Info
  • November 14th -?Wat uw medewerkers u niet vertellen! Re-inventing HR - HR Club West-Vlaanderen -?More Info
  • November 16th -?Leadership for tomorrow?- VHR - Kortrijk -??[email protected]
  • November 17th - Togapraat - ProHR - More info
  • November 17th -?VOV Pitstop Policies?- VOV -?More info
  • November 22nd -?HR and CSR?- Hrpro - VBO Brussels - All Day
  • December 2nd - Petit Déjeuner - ADP Liège - More info

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AIHR Partnership: 20% reduction on courses

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You can get 20% discount on courses thanks to the partnership of AIHR with Click

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PMC Event - 50 years

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PMC has been around for 50 years and wants to celebrate this. PMC is one of the founding members of

Sinds 1972 was PMC het ankerpunt in het hr-landschap: een sterk netwerk van business en hr-professionals die met passie en plezier in het werkveld staan. De voorbije 50 jaar hebben wij een fijne?PMC-community?uitgebouwd met trouwe leden en een rijkelijk portfolio aan sprekers uit de academische, politieke en ondernemerswereld.?

PMC heeft geconnecteerd en ge?nspireerd.

Na 50 jaar meren wij voorgoed aan in onze vertrouwde haven…

U leest het goed, het voltallige bestuur heeft de beslissing genomen om een punt te zetten achter PMC en de werking in alle schoonheid te eindigen.

Het was mooi, het voelt goed om PMC nu los te laten…

Met een positieve mindset en een open vizier gaan we de toekomst tegemoet. Want wie weet welke opportuniteiten ons hr-pad nog kruisen? Maar eerst is het tijd om te feesten!

Op?27 september verzamelen we in de haven van Antwerpen. We schepen in om 17 uur en varen uit in het gezelschap van?Jean Bosco Safari. We sluiten de avond af met een walking dinner, muziek en dansen voor wie dansen wil!

Reserveer je?boardingpass?voor het?#50YPMC slotfeest.??Was je Lid in het voorbije werkjaar 2021-2022 dan neem je deel aan een gereduceerd tarief van 95 euro.?Maar ook je partner, je collega of niet-leden kunnen deelnemen.?

More info

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HR for the Future - September 13

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VHR organizes its conference about HR for the Future on September 13th. You can find the preliminary program below. The speakers are confirmed, but the titles of their contribution can still change.?

The fee to participate is 250 Euro. Members of VHR have a free access. Members of one of the member associations of hrpro get 20% reduction. Ask your association for a reduction code.?

Join VHR in the impressive Concertgebouw in Brugge for this inspirational Register through:?

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