His Royal Highness @TheDukeOfYork visits @UTCMediaCityUK As Part Of #ThinkUTC and I got to meet him...
Dan S?dergren
Inspirational keynote speaker / trainer and author about #AI, #Technology and the #futureofwork. Hire Dan as your inspirational #keynotespeaker for your next event, conference or training day.
The Duke Of York visited us on 17th March and met with our students from UTC@MediaCityUK as part of #ThinkUTC day. And I was lucky enough to meet him...
HRH Prince Andrew was the guest of honour at UTC@MediaCityUK’s Talent and Skills Day, which gave its students from across Manchester the opportunity to show the digital community of the North West that there is no shortage of talent to feed in to the technology sector.
Not only did they showcase their work (as above with the mobile games made by Great Marketing Works) but their work also became showcased – as the UTC students were allowed to film and photograph His Royal Highness for the occasion.
The UTC@MediaCityUK, which opened in September 2015, is a college for 14-18 year olds who have a passion for shaping digital and creative content. Students study a mixture of academic GCSEs, A-levels and technical qualifications as well as getting hands-on, practical experience in specialist pathways such as TV & Film, Graphics & Design, Radio & Audio, and Interactive Media & Gaming.
Prince Andrew met students studying in each of the UTC’s pathways during his tour of the state of the art facilities at the college.
All part of the #ThinkUTC national awareness day.
He was joined by local dignitaries including:
- The High Sheriff (Lady Joy Smith),
- The Worshipful Mayor of Salford (Councillor Karen Garrido)
- and The City Mayor of Salford (Paul Dennett.)
The guests also had a chance to meet employer partners from the creative and digital communities who closely support the teaching of each of the pathways at the UTC, including small tech start-up RooCru , the BBC and ITV.
The Duke met the UTC’s sponsors:
- The University of Salford,
- The Lowry
- The Aldridge Education,
- And Charles Parker from the Baker Dearing Trust, founders of the UTC movement nationally.
He saw UTC students showcasing their live briefs and show reels as he toured the campus. Matt Tiplady, a year 13 student said:
“It was great opportunity for us to showcase our work to our partners and also employers in the Manchester digital community through the attention HRH the Duke of York’s visit has received.”
James Medd (above) of the local business hub The Landing said:
“Working with these young people has been a joy, their enthusiasm for the different work we have done with them has been infectious. They are a credit to their teachers and college. We were very proud to be able to present our work with them to His Royal Highness.”
Beki Martin CEO of Aldridge Foundation introduced the Prince to two student businesses and one community project which use the UTC’s Enterprise Hub facilities.
His Royal Highness concluded the tour by giving a talk as part of #ThinkUTC day, which was filmed by the students to share with other UTCs nationally.
HRH Prince Andrew said:
“This UTC is like no other I have visited. The skills you are delivering to students are preparing them to such an advanced level that they may not go to university, but straight into employment.” And:
The Principal Sharon Gardner said:
“In our second year, it is fantastic to celebrate the talent and skills being developed here with our students. Visitors, partners and sponsors have all been impressed by the level of technical skill, maturity and creativity at work. Testament to this is that we have Year 13 students with offers from prestigious university departments, including an offer from Oxford University.”
The UTC@MediaCityUK students took the pictures and produced the video of the Duke of York’s talk and interview.
About UTC:
University Technical Colleges are a new concept in education. They offer 14-18 year olds the opportunity to take a highly regarded, full time, technically-oriented course of study. They are equipped to the highest standard, sponsored by a university and offer clear progression routes into higher education or further learning in work. The UTC movement is led by the Baker Dearing Trust and for more information about the national programme, please visit https://www.utcolleges.org