HR is a Work of HeART

HR is a Work of HeART

I Have recently reign a leadership position with DatAInfa | DFactory I DINFA as there CPTO.

And with all the fuss going around the recent case within a top consulting firm trust in our leaders is at its lowest at the very point we need it most.

In todays world of Technology Sector which is ever evolving and as a Leader you see the Bird eye view of Demand and Supply in Market ,you always want to build a Very High Performing Team which can embrace change and is ready on there feet to upskill and stay relevant. But we all as leader forget that we work with Human which works on Emotion more than Intelligence.

But as a leader you dethrone the part as you delve more into the Capex and Opex sheets .

In an ever-changing business environment, one constant truth remains: An organization’s most valuable asset is its people.

Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a key role in nurturing, using and developing these valuable resources. And If you’re in HR, then I’m sure you experience those awful moments/memes rolling over ,and yes maybe i would have been in some days part of that ,But when you level up you see the value the Department adds to the culture you wanna build and you wanna part of it.

I Still remember my early consulting days where we were called as "Fire Fighters" to be agile and ready to jump into high critical demands/escalations and turn around things to help our partner and client regain the faith.

But one thing what i like was The Leaders always knew there are Human which is Behind those Fire Fighting jackets and ensured we have all the tools and ammunition ready Pre and Post the Job role which we used to perform to ease the belonging.

Treating people as human beings needs to be extended to our leaders too and i have seen this built in my past experiences under some tremendous leadership of Fakhir (Shah) Shahul , Pankaj Anand , Varun V. in my Past organization who valued the culture quotient at the core.

The one thing which i really like and have built as a practice in our Organization is Letting HR own the Space and Decision Making. It is the beating heart of any organization.

It’s the human stuff – humility, showing genuine interest in people and acts of kindness – that builds trust with our people and encourages them to follow us into uncertainty.

I believe that HR needs to help leaders with being more human at work.

If we can create the environment that gives them the confidence to be themselves, but better, we will build greater levels of trust and engagement.

So, it’s the companies that place the human at the heart of their approach to leadership and HR processes that are finding it easier to cope with the demands of this disrupted world.

In this Era of Startup where your Profitability is priority to sustain remember you have to be sustainable too .AI is there to facilitate but Humans are there to stay and drive.

So remember to Build that HeART ,Because "HR is a Work of HeART".


