HR Week 2020 AGENDA

HR Week 2020 AGENDA

Strategic HR Day / Novembar 23rd

09:00 ? How HR Created the Future | Philip Horváth

09:30 ? Leading a people-first future | Mitja Korelc, Linkedin

10:00 ? New Normal: Hybrid workplace the Siemens way | Anja Miladinovic, Siemens (Track 1)

10:00 ? Global Human Capital Trends: Deloitte Insights | Ivan Stefanovic, Deloitte (Track 2)

10:00 ? Full Body HR Scan | Marina Kreculj Pe?i?, Lana Surla, Assert (Track 3)

10:30 ? Strategic HR in the Age of Uncertainty (panel) | Ana Stojanovi?, Tekstronix | Serbia Sonja Bun?i?, Levi9 | Predrag Zlatkovi?, Booking | Tamara Jokanovi?, Represent Communications

11:10 ? Networking

11:35 ? HR Expo

12:05 ? A new role for HR: Integrating Bold Visions and Harsh Realities. A call to action | Manoj Khanna, Stephen Parry, Qlevio

12:35 ? Engaged Leaders Lead Engaged People | Anja Mu?enski, NIS Gazprom Neft

13:05 ? Expert Talks powered by Talks and Folks | Dusan Basalo, Mihailo Jankovi?, Nektar

13:25 ? Networking

13:50 ? HR Expo

14:20 ? HR Readiness in the World of Remote Work | Larisa Grizilo, VIP Mobile (Track 1)

14:20 ? Strategic workforce planning process and HR role within it | Jovana ?upi?, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (Track 2)

14:20 ? How to build a workplace culture that produces exceptional results | Marija Randelovic, Amazon (Track 3)

14:50 ? HR for tomorrow: Leading the Changes (panel) | Ivana Karanovic, Milena Jaksic Papac, Karanovi? & Partners | Marija Gligorevi?, BDK Advokati | Dragana Koruga Ristic, Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company | Aleksandra Dutina, Carlsberg (Track 1)

14:50 ? State Support for Professional HR (panel) | Mirjana Kovacevic | Marina Cvirn Jurcec | Mirsad Ja?arspahi? | Dragana Kokot | Mladen Perazic (Track 2)

15:40 ? Creating the BEST HR Ever! | Hacking HR Global, Enrique Rubio, Tanal Basma, Kandi Gongora, Matt Burns

16:25 ? Accidental Organization Design | Joy Monsma, Teneo Consulting

People Centric HR Day / November 24th

9:00 ? Turning HR Processes into Delightful Employee Experiences | Madlen Medina, Employee Experience Lab

9:30 ? Shaking Things up! Designing People Processes and Practices | Predrag Zlatkovi?, Booking

10:00 ? Making Diversity a Business Priority | Nikola Ilijin, Microsoft (Track 1)

10:00 ? TBC | Antonija Vaci, Nordeus (Track 2)

10:30 ? Human Resources. Humanized (panel) | Natalija Pe?i?, VIP Mobile | Nikola Milosavljevi?, AmCham Serbia | Aleksandar Hangimana, Serbian Association of Managers | Milica O?egovi?, AHK Serbia

11:10 ? Networking

11:35 ? HR Expo

12:05 ? Beyond the Ping Pong Table - Securing and Retaining Talent in 2021 | Ryan Ottman, BPS World

12:35 ? Empowering the Leaders through Coaching Culture | Tamara Leti?, Microsoft (Track 1)

12:35 ? The show must begin – EX in action | Aleksandra Stefanovi?, GI Group (Track 2)

12:35 ? What is broken with employee benefits in Serbia: 2020 Research findings | Du?an Vukanovi?, Benefiti (Track 3)

13:05 ? Expert Talks powered by Talks&Folks | Du?an Basalo | TBC

13:25 ? Networking

13:50 ? HR Expo

14:20 ? Essential vs. Hard Skills: What should we focus more on? | Djordje Mari?i?, Maverick Consulting | Oliver Zuber (Track 1)

14:20 ? Labour Market Changes and Key Factors of Employer Attractiveness | Milo? Turinski, Infostud (Track 2)

14:20 ? Productivity based workspace | Konstantina Marseni? | Senka Nestorovi?, Ivana Radovi?, Nul Tien (Track 3)

14:50 ? Why “right people, right place, right time” is a dangerous approach? (panel) Petar Petrovic, ZF | Jelena ?olaji?, Philip Morris International | Vladan ?abarkapa, Bambi | Sladjana Djurovi?, Crnogorski Telekom

15:40 ? Inspiring performance instead of managing it? - what does it take (panel) | Hacking HR chapter Sarajevo Emir Terzo, Amra D?indo, Nedima D?aferagi?, Danka Damjanovi?

16:25 ? Making Invisible Visible: Navigating Culture Change Through Ethnography and Human-Centered Design | Venesa Mu?ovi?, Beyond Empowering

Innovative HR Day / November 25th

09:00 ? Bridging the Gap Between HR and the Future of Work | Erik van Vulpen, AIHR

09:30 ? HR Analytics: An overview | María Jesús Belizón Cebada, University College Dublin

10:00 ? Supporting the HR: Linkedin in Serbia 2020 - key findings | Mitja Korelc, Linkedin (Track 1)

10:00 ? Flexible models of employment | Isidora U?endi? Sto?i?, Zuhlke (Track 2)

10:00 ? What Graduates would be looking for in future recruitment and company? Bulgarian experience and statistics | Ralitsa Georgieva, Bulgarian HR Community (Track 3)

10:30 ? People Analytics: Transforming the HR Function (panel) | Maja Ninkovi?, People Analytics Hub | María Jesús Belizón Cebada, University College Dublin | Littal Shemer Haim, Littalics | Erik van Vulpen, AIHR

11:10 ? Networking

11:35 ? HR Expo

12:05 ? Talent Attraction with a Human Touch | Dave Hazlehurst, Ph.Creative

12:35 ? Human Experience Management - Be in Charge of the Change! | Nata?a Rajevac, SAP (Track 1)

12:35 ? The Evolution of the Modern HR Business Partner | Srbija Krstinja ??epanovi?, OTP Bank (Track 2)

12:35 ? How to Come Closer to Self-Managing Organization in Balkan Region | Alan ?epec, LQ (Track 3)

13:05 ? Expert Talks powered by Talks&Folks | Du?an Basalo | Milan Petrovi?, M5 Consulting

13:25 ? Networking

13:50 ? HR Expo

14:20 ? HR as a Cyber Security Ninja - New Normal? | Sr?an Gligori?, Kaspersky (Track 1)

14:20 ? Employee Life Cycle in SAP SF - Process of Implementation | Maja Mrkalj, Dr. Oetker (Track 2)

14:20 ? Building a Strong Partnership with your Vendor: The Employer Branding Effect | Ivana Milo?evi?, CityScope (Track 3)

14:50 ? Expert Talks: Employer Branding from Another Perspective | Ana Andjeli? | Katarina ?onji?

15:15 ? Expert Talks: Is EVP that Important? | Tina Mili?i? | Ali Ayaz Employer Brand Academy

15:40 ? Innovation in People-Centric Culture (panel) | Hacking HR chapter Zagreb, Blanka Lasi?, Jasmina Luka?evi?, ?eljka Ko?anski, Gordana Frga?i?

16:25 ? Leadership Development in Growing Startups | Emina Hod?i?, Mistral

HR Development Day / November 26th

09.00 ? A digital World Needs digital Learning that Works | Prof. Dr. Andreas Mueller, Amucon (TBC)

09:30 ? Digital Learning - Friend or Foe? | Alex To?ovi? AIHR

10:00 ? Upgraded Internal Trainers Model - Career Twist or Motivational Booster? | Milica Vuji?i?, NIS (Track 1)

10:00 ? Career Transition for HR Professional | Marina Kreculj Pe?i?, Ivana Mr?en, Assert (Track 2)

10:00 ? Welcome to The Era of Constant Change Management | Atria Pe?a Jovanovi? (Track 3)

10:30 ? Organizational Culture: Transformation Mode (panel) | Nikola Jovanovi?, Tuturutu Consulting |Hana ?kero Kosi?, Erste bank | Ivana Rakonjac, Centili | Ivan Markovi?, NIS

11:10 ? Networking

11:35 ? HR Expo

12:05 ? HR Talent Philosophy - What I Look for and How I Develop High Potential Talent | Ana Stojanovi?, Tektronix

12:35 ? Can HR Team Be a Cultural Change Drive? | Gordana Panajotovi?, Delhaize Serbia (Track 1)

12:35 ? The Top 5 Lessons I've Learned in My CHRO Career | Marina Miti?, MPC Properties (Track 2)

12:35 ? Coaching Continuum – Transforming the Perception of Coaching in the Light of the Expected Rise in its Importance and Role (Finding of the 2020 research of ICF Serbia) | Brankica Ljami?, ICF Serbia Chapter (Track 3)

13:05 ? Expert Talks powered by Talks&Folks | Du?an Basalo | Marko Jevti?, Nordeus

13:25 ? Networking

13:50 ? HR Expo

14:20 ? How to Walk the Journey from HR Director to General Manager | Angelina Djadjeva, Nuvolo (Track 1)

14:20 ? Dual Education System in Serbia: What we have learned so far | Jelisaveta Obradovi?, DM Drogeriemarkt (Track 2)

14:20 ? Macedonian HR Association, TBC (Track 3)

14:50 ? Accelerate Your HR Career - Do You Have What is Needed? (panel) | Rade ?uki?, Telenor | Nata?a Stamenkovi? | Milana Ranisavljevi?, Trizma | Mihailo Panti?, Nokia

15:40 ? Agile Performance Development (panel) | Hacking HR chapter Slovenia, Petra Stipani?, Maja Majstorovi? Hajdukovi?, Larisa Grizilo, Maru?ka Ozimek

16:25 ? The Journey of a Thousand Pivots | Stela Lupushor, Reframe.Work Inc.

C-level Day / November 27th

09.00 ? C2HR Talks: New Normal | Ronald Seeliger, Hemofarm

09.30 ? C2HR Talks: Digital Challenges | Dejan Turk, A1 & Vip mobile

10.00 ? C2HR Talks: Culture & Transformation | Slavko Cari?, Erste Bank Serbia

10.30 ? How to Build an Epic CHRO/CEO Relationship (panel) Sonja Ivkovi?, Opportunity Bank | Sanja Jev?enijevi?, Sopharma | Tijana Tadi?, PepsiCo | Tatjana Jovanovi?, Hemofarm | Robert Jenovai, Nelt

11:10 ? Networking

11:35 ? HR Expo

12:05 ? Why CHR Never Becomes a CEO |Du?an Basalo, Talks and Folks

12:35 ? From Zero to Strategy - HR Way | ?aklina Teofilovi?, MTU Maintenance Serbia (Track 1)

12:35 ? Why You Will Fail by Trying the Good Old HR Practices to Remote Working Mode. 3 Insights for HR Leaders | Yuliya Rak, Symphony Solutions (Track 2)

13:05 ? Expert Talks powered by Talks and Folks | Du?an Basalo | Ksenija Kari?, Schneider Electric

13:25 ? Networking

13:50 ? HR Expo

14:20 ? HR Team that Lives Locally and Works Globally | Zoran Vasiljev, Centili

14:50 ? Expert talk What's Needed of HR Leaders in a Digitally Transformed World? | Du?an Vukanovi? | ?or?e Vuksanovi?, VIP Mobile | Vuk Kosovac, OTP Banka

15:25 ? Dancefloor or Battlefield: Speak Openly about Expectations, Challenges in the C-Level Officers' Spotlight (panel) | Hacking HR chapter Bulgaria, Yanitsa Ilieva, Petar Torneff, Ana Drk, Dilyana Domuschieva

16:10 ? HR DNA: Identity Crisis (closing panel) | Petar Kosovac, Hyperoptic | Alisa Evsina, NIS | MPC Properties, Marina Miti? | more TBC

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