The HR Insider | August 2023
ELMO Software
The trusted provider of HR technology to 3,000+ organisations and two million end users in Australia, NZ and the UK.
Welcome to the jam-packed August edition of ELMO's HR Insider newsletter. As always, there’s a lot happening in the world of HR and we’re here to bring you the latest news, stories and updates.
New Zealand has recently announced plans to implement mandatory public gender pay gap reporting for organisations over a certain size. This follows similar legislation enacted in Australia. In the wake of these crucial legislative changes, the question remains: Does public gender pay gap reporting work? In our blog, we explore the results of other countries that have introduced public reporting.
Meanwhile in Australia, the topic of inequality is particularly relevant today given it’s Equal Pay Day. It marks the 56 additional days from the end of the financial year women must work to earn the same average pay as men.
Staying on the theme of pay inequality, our latest Employee Sentiment Index Report investigates how employees may react to learning of a gender pay gap in their organisation. Of the 1500 workers surveyed in ANZ, around a third said they’d look for another job if they learnt of a significant pay gap.
Delve into the findings for yourself or explore the other content available from ELMO and elsewhere on the web.
Happy reading!
The latest content from ELMO
The topic of AI continues to dominate headlines and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. If you’re already using AI tools in your day-to-day or you're thinking of implementing them, make sure to read this blog from ELMO’s Security Team.
New Zealand has just announced plans to initiate public gender pay gap reporting for organisations over a certain size, which mirrors similar legislation implemented in Australia this year. So, what can we learn from countries that have already tried public wage gap reporting? And does it actually help to close the gap?
Missed the news? The Government has announced plans to introduce similar legislation to Australia. It's predicted to impact around 900 businesses.
“We need to ensure we’re staying in line with international standards to attract highly skilled women to New Zealand."
Minister for Women Jan Tinetti?
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Download your quarterly Employee Sentiment Index now
Our latest ESI has revealed some interesting trends about the topics that matter most to employees in Australia and New Zealand. Some of the key takeaways include:
Download the April-June 2023 Employee Sentiment Index for access to these insights and more.
How much time could you be saving by automating manual processes?
One of the greatest challenges for HR professionals is dealing with manual processes that could be automated. These labour-intensive tasks sometimes feel like a productivity black hole and before you know it, your entire day has disappeared.
That was the case for the finance team at the South Sydney Rabbitohs. The Bunnies' Chief Financial Officer Peter Legg says payroll processing has been reduced by 75% since implementing ELMO, saving 10 hours each month.
Read more about how our easy-to-use technology has helped the Bunnies alleviate some of their biggest pain points.
Elsewhere on the web…?
HR Consultancy Employee Matters is hosting a 'Lunch-n-Learn' webinar to help Australian business owners, HR professionals and people leaders understand recent changes to Employee Relations legislation and the ramifications to policy, procedures and practices.
According to Lucy Adams, HR is in its third stage of evolution – and it’s an incredibly exciting place to be. In this article from HRM, Adams explains how she sees modern HR teams evolving to empower employees to maximise their potential and that of the organisation.
When it comes to recruitment, we already know that unconscious bias can affect decisions about who the ‘right’ candidate might be. As the capabilities, potential and risks of AI continue to be explored, is it possible that AI tools could make the hiring process less biased and more inclusive?
Have you ever been exposed to the high-pressure environment of a call centre? Working as part of a frontline customer care team can teach you invaluable skills that you’ll likely use for the rest of your career. However, there are some employers who don’t recognise the value of their customer care teams and are missing out on the chance to retain talented employees. With retention top of mind for many organisations, McKinsey & Company warn employers not to overlook the untapped potential of the customer care talent pool.
That wraps up another ELMO HR Insider newsletter! Thanks for being a part of our amazing community. Join our mailing list to keep up with the latest news, insights, research and events from ELMO Software.