HR- The Goal Keeper
Ramesh Kannan
HR Professional|Talent Acquisition and Management | HR for Startups | 20+ years of experience.
I know this topic is hygiene for my fellow HR professionals, nevertheless, let me take a poke (pun intended). ?If you happen to be working for a corporate, I am sure you have experienced scenarios, where in the HR folks chasing you to get the so called “Goals setting”/OKRs/BSC etc , keep you reminded of a schedule etc etc. I have done JUST that during the early part of my career as an HR professional. Many a time, the expectation from the top is to get this ritual completed on time. Seldom do the people involved in this process that is top management, managers, employees and HR professionals understand the “Value proposition” derived from this most significant “Engagement exercise”. Yes, you heard it right. It is not an HR activity and it is just not about filling those empty boxes in one of those fancy ERPs (ERP just converts garbage into structured garbage at a higher cost?? unless the effectiveness part is taken care)
Let us keep this simple and straight.
A.???? Why and WIFM : Company-level expectations in the form of strategy/plans are co-conceived, agreed that creates excitement for all role holders to start with key stakeholders at the top. Check if this is imposed. Check for understanding of “Whys”/ “what is in it for me “excitement. If not, you are guaranteed to fail as a company by design. Prayers.
B.???? Whats : In order to achieve the overall larger outcomes, contribution is expected from several role holders. Such expectations need to be discussed, debated (Constructive confrontation without being cynical), mutually agreed, and signed off. Check for agreement and alignment, check for excitement/withdrawal
C. Hehe- Are you sure, we have completed the above in detail, for continuity’s sake let’s pretend for now and move on to the next step, which is goal setting.
D.???? Hows: Now in order to achieve /influence the outcomes that are specific to each role holder, the “HOWs” need to be addressed. What is the plan in terms of actionable statements (Goals) that would lead to getting closer to the outcome? Let me reiterate, it is not an activity list, “actions leading to outcomes”. Here the measure could be in the form of milestones and not just an activity measure to help them track the progress, to check if the needle is moving to check the effectiveness measure. In most cases, the problem starts here. If no actionable goals are leading to an outcome, it will remain on a bucket list. Actionable statements are the variables at play. Check for the thought process around the conviction, planning and specifics, and agreement over ways of checking progress between the role holder concerned and the reporting manager. Facilitate dialogue.
E.????? Conclude/ Evolve: Should there be a change in the business scenarios, Goals need calibration, check for support. Now get those rows and columns filled with meaning and shared clarity. ERP does help here??
F.????? Cascade and engage: Facilitate all of the above by helping the manager concerned to cascade, engaging everyone with “whys, Whats and Hows”
What do you think?