HR, Functional or Dysfunctional?

HR, Functional or Dysfunctional?

The aim for all HR departments is to support an organisation and those who work for it, basically keeping administrative matters on an even keel.

So, what’s the problem, why are they held in such poor regard?

The answer will either be

  • HR are ineffective
  • HR are not supported by the management
  • Both

Let’s break each one of these down

HR are ineffective – It would be fair to say many tasks covered by HR are complicated, in days before centralisation they were covered by subject matter experts. So, it could be said the price of centralisation is the loss of key skills.

There also appears to be a disconnect between the workforce > HR > management this means HR often find themselves in no man’s land, a difficult place to operate from.

HR are not supported by the management – If left on a limb HR are always going to struggle to be effective. Often management look down on the mundane tasks carried out by HR, strange as they are generally working within the guidelines of company policy.

What do you think? Is HR effective or an obstacle to productivity?


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