HR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION - The ultimate guide - 2023

HR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION - The ultimate guide - 2023

The post-pandemic era has forced a seismic shift in the HR operating model. From the phase where employee management was simply straightforward to the stage where hybrid and remote work converge, HR operations are unmanageable and less predictable. As a result, employee experience is at stake.

In addition, it is a new challenge for the human resource team as they need to elevate the level of adaptability and responsibility amidst the fear of employee attrition.

As per?reports?by McKinsey, more than 19 million U.S. workers left their jobs in 2021. The possibility could be their unwillingness to return to the office premises; rather they choose to work entirely remotely or on-site for 2 or 3 days at the office.

This is because the approach saves them 3 hours of daily commute as well as an extra penny on fuel or travel. At the end of 2021, 20% of all jobs, nearly 20 million, have already transitioned to the remote setting, reported the?research?led by Ladders Inc.

As employees prioritize their necessities over everything, HR responsibilities will evolve to deliver the best employee experience. Digital acceleration will rule even amidst geopolitical tensions and acute inflation in 2023, and human resources are no exception. Companies embracing HR digital transformation are poised to battle with the sudden change in work culture and improve HR capabilities.

Our article sheds light on why HR digital transformation is more than just a fancy word and what it takes to embrace digitalization in your HR services.

What is HR Digital Transformation?

Digital acceleration in human resources transforms the way HR manages its day-to-day activities. The change encourages the removal of manual interventions and otherwise lengthy paperwork processes while fostering productivity and efficiency and intensifying operational resilience. Metamorphically, HR digital transformation is not a change for HR only, rather it drives overall organizational success.

Transitioning to an environment operated by digital components, tools, and technologies, especially automation, can make processes more streamlined and easier to manage for businesses.

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