HowTo: Save and organize your training videos
John Jonas
Outsourcing Pioneer and Virtual Work Guru. I help small businesses outsource their tasks so they can focus on what matters most: running their own company! $450-$500/month for a full-time talented VA.
The reason I always go back to training videos is because it’s really effective.
…and Filipinos love video.
It’s easier to understand compared to just written instructions. Your OFS can always go back to it and they can follow the video as they’re doing the task.
How to organize training
Honestly, I’m not super organized when it comes to my training videos. It’s organized enough for my purposes and has worked for us for years.
Here’s how John (not me) does it:
I do exactly the same as you with the hosting privately. ?However the one difference is that if it is a long term task, I copy a link to the video into a Googlesheet which is set up with shared access to all staff. ?The tasks are easily listed with a basic description of what the video contains and broken into easy grouped tasks. ?For me a reasonably simple task may be a list of one or two videos, but can be a list of up to 10 breaking up the more complex components of the task into short logical 2-4 minute videos. ?Quite often staff only need to refer back to one small element of the whole task-this allows them to do so without watching a long video.
… Having the tutorials in a spreadsheet, sorted in a logical order of what they need to learn made this process possible. ?I would have a series of 5-10 tutorials under a logical heading for them to watch, the last of which would be a “dummy test exercise” so they could test out their learning without risk to the business and so I could make sure they understood clearly, then they moved on.
This was not only great for my business, but it was also great for them as they were able to follow the processes logically without confusion or frustration.
It also allows me to ‘un-share” if a staff member moves on. ?Although that has not happened for a long time. ?It is however an element of security if there was ever a real reason to cut off access.
As processes slowly adapt, one of my OFS will recreate and update the task for me using Snaggit for newbies.
Best regards, John?
I also have my staff update our trainings. They make new videos. They teach each other. They document processes.
Do you organize your training videos the same way? Do you do it differently? I’d love to learn how you do it.