How's your heart today?
Hello pal,
How's your heart today? (my dear friend Sara started asking me this question a few years ago and I thought it was beautiful.) And it really does cut through all the crap and really gets straight to the point, the meaningful conversations - if you know what I mean?
Well, I don't know about you but my heart has been all over the place in the last week. May be something to do with staying up late last Wednesday and watching every episode of “One Day” on Netflix and balling my eyes out at it or perhaps it is the up and coming last full moon of the astrological year!? Or perhaps it's because I read all about SAD (Seasonal Effective Disorder) and now I am convinced I have it.. and I absolutely need to purchase a “SAD Lamp” hehe…. (yes and I have found an article all about the best SAD Lamps to purchase - check it out!)
Or perhaps it is just all the thingssssss!?
Anyways, the good news is I feel great today and have been so productive! Yay! So, I wanted to share what really helped me in the last week to get my energy back!?
Who are the people that make you forget you have a phone?
Last week my best pal Francesca came to town for a few days and honestly being with her is so easy. We have been best pals for 34 years and actually haven't lived in the same country since we were 17. However, our bond and friendship is deep and strong, one that really is an all knowing lifetime kinda friendship.?
We didn't do anything particularly exciting (in fact she asked me to travel in the car with her for a 3 hour round trip so she could get her windscreen chip fixed! hehe) but it didn't matter, we put the world to right, we sang to music, we tried to remember & reenact our dance routines from 8 years old, we ate together…. and we laughed, oh boy do we know how to just laugh at the silly things. And of course we spoke about some serious stuff too but we simply connected and pretty much forgot about our phones.?
Likewise, you will see me looking very colourful in a beautiful Moroccan restaurant in Glasgow (Finnieston Fez) above. I went for lunch with my Aunty Annemarie. Someone who always makes me forget about my iPhone, infact we were 15 mins late for our face & yin yoga class because we were in such a deep chat and lost track of time! ?
It is so important in times when you are feeling low to connect with people like this - people that have your back 100%, that you can be fully yourself with and that you can share openly with, without judgement. Most of the things that are troubling you will absolutely melt away when you go and spend time with these kind of people.?
Rest & Release your mind & body
If you haven't tried face yoga and yin yoga yet I highly recommend you do. All week I could feel emotions building in my body and lots of thoughts filling my mind. I could feel that a lot of it needed to be released so I was happy that I had book in the face & yin yoga event with my Aunt.?
Face yoga involves massage and exercises that stimulate the muscles, skin, and lymphatic system. This technique is designed to soften and relax your face muscles to help alleviate tension, stress, and worry.?
Yin Yoga targets your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, and joints. It's slower and more meditative, giving you space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body. Because you're holding poses for a longer period of time than you would in other types of traditional yoga.Yin yoga helps you stretch and lengthen those rarely-used tissues while also teaching you how to breathe through discomfort and sit with your thoughts.
I must say after practicing both of these my body felt like it couldn't move, instead of trying to fight it, I simply lay down and rested. Sometimes, that is the hardest thing to do in this busy world we live in but actually it is the only thing that will work. So I sat with the low energy, I cried and I simply released the emotions. (Another great piece of advice my Aunty Annemarie gave me years ago “it is OK to cry, it is healthy to do it each week”) I am so grateful she normalised this for me and I hope today I normalise it for YOU.?
ps I highly recommend Reset Yoga in Glasgow - a beautiful heart led community.?
Go to the places that inspire you and create a spark!
Lastly, go to the places that spark something in your heart and mind. Recently, I have discovered Seed Talks They were founded in London in late 2021. They are an independent events company dedicated to sharing interesting and worthwhile knowledge around the areas of Science, Psychedelics, Wellness, Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience.
I decided to book this ticket very last minute not sure if I would have the energy to listen but when I got there I instantly could feel they curious and open minds in the room. The kinda of people that want to grow and keep learning and evolving. I love those kinda people and that kinda of energy. I also LOVED learning more about the “Science of Dreams” from Dr Jason Ellis.?
My brain was learning new things, I was meeting new like minded people and I walked away feeling so re-energised! Completely different to how I walked in!
See what I've found is that sometimes you are just not in the rooms you need to be in with the right people. Sometimes you have to look around at the rooms you find yourself in, and if you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room and it is time to find a new one!?
Talking about new rooms for you!?
Check out my next Yoga Nidra event in Glasgow - Saturday 9th March at the Reiki Love Club. Yoga nidra means yogic "sleep" and it is a guided meditation that you do lying on the floor. Yoga Nidra is a practice that's especially effective at reducing stress and anxiety and can even help with insomnia. Sometimes, your body may get stuck in fight-or-flight mode. Practices like yoga nidra can help calm your sympathetic nervous system and allow the parasympathetic nervous system to take charge.
Join me for a loving, grounding, nurturing, peaceful &?beautiful Saturday afternoon - 90 mins full of all the things that will fill your cup!
We will start the afternoon off with with a grounding breathwork practice, with?gratitude journaling, a?card reading, a yoga nidra practice with sound bowl?& lastly, enjoying a warm?cup of herbal tea & a vegan treats from the incredible Cookstoyou! Grab your tickets below!?
I've got your back,
Social Entrepreneur
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