How’s your ‘digital mindset’?
Reshaping Work
Platform Economy | Artificial Intelligence | Future of Work | Digital Innovations |
Afterthoughts from the Reshaping Work Conference
This article is originally published by Philip Verhaeghe, a freelance editor at (and in November 2024. The article is available in Dutch here.
Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and digital platforms are radically changing the way we work and collaborate in all kinds of sectors. The rapid spread of Generative AI also marks a true turning point in our thinking about the future of work. Jovana Karanovic of Reshaping Work realises this all too well.
The recent Reshaping Work Conference 2024 in Amsterdam delved into the truly transformative impact of AI on work. What is AI’s role in reshaping the future of work? How and what should we think about this new technology? What competences do we really need? Typically, Reshaping Work brought together the different perspectives of business leaders, researchers, policy makers and employee representatives for this purpose.
Keynote on the digital mindset
US professor and keynote speaker Paul Leonardi kicked off the fascinating day with an appropriate summary of his book ‘The Digital Mindset: What it really takes to thrive in the age of data, algorithms, and AI’. He immediately wanted to move away from the doomsday images that AI will destroy all our jobs and all our careers. He rather looks at developments from the point of view of the opportunity to increase your productivity.
“Don’t worry about how AI works.
Rather, think about how to use AI tools even better.“
He began by warning that as many as 92% of digital transformation initiatives in organisations fail. The high expectations are usually not realised because employees do not see or understand the productivity gains. Or because management models and employee concerns are not aligned. We need to think more strategically about this: ‘It’s not that they don’t care but everyone’s primary concern is their new role: Will I still have work or will my job be completely automated? Will that be explained properly?’
In this digital age, everyone not only needs all kinds of ‘tools’ and ‘skills’ but above all a new ‘digital mindset’, he argues. This includes at least these three core AI literacy skills. Together, these 3 Cs form the foundation for successful digital transformation. And yes, his advice also applies to freelancers.
Learn to formulate your problems in such a way that a computer can help you solve them. Always remain critical of the quality and context of your data and deepen your knowledge of statistics. In your data analysis, look for patterns and automation possibilities. Therefore, you don’t need to be able to program, but you do need to understand how computers ‘think’ to solve problems. Through pattern recognition and logical thinking, you may be able to convert your problems into sequential automatable steps.
2. Collaboration (Digital collaboration & communication)
Collaborate effectively in digital environments. Understand the impact of digital tools on your work processes. Use digital platforms for knowledge sharing and innovation. Try to understand how AI and humans can work together optimally and possibly asynchronously. New technology and tools are fundamentally changing the way we collaborate in teams.
3. Change (Keep changing and adapting)
Digital transformation does not require complete technical expertise, but a pragmatic approach where you learn enough to be effective. Focus on practical applicability and keep developing your skills gradually. Dare to experiment with the tools and learn from your mistakes. Continuous adaptation is essential in the digital age because the pace of change is constantly increasing.
”You don’t have to become an expert
but you need to understand enough to see all the possibilities,
ask the right questions and work effectively with specialists.”
He went a step further and also explained his flexible and practical ‘STEP’ framework for digital transformation.
Debates and workshops
The day then continued through hugely interesting workshops with very diverse and competent panels in each case. For example, where would you find a panel discussion on ‘AI & regulation’ that includes representatives from both the UN, OECD and EU?
Concepts such as competences, productivity, output, surveillance, privacy, job definitions, data management, regulation, partnerships, planning, ethical framing, platform work, creative thinking, innovation, lifelong learning, career advice… they all came up.
The panel discussions and roundtables each culminated in a general wake-up call to delve even deeper into the possibilities and implications of AI. We need to embrace the positive disruption and productivity gains through AI, while remaining vigilant about all the social consequences and impacts in all sorts of areas.
I attended a panel discussion on how AI can be used ethically in HR so that human potential is not overshadowed by technology, but rather enhanced by it. A pressing question there is also very relevant for Nextconomy partners: As a selection or placement agency using AI, how should you explain to the candidate afterwards that he or she was not selected? How can you externally guarantee that your AI system in HR matters always chooses the best solution or makes the best decision?
“As a selection or placement agency using AI,
how should you explain to the candidate afterwards
that he or she was not selected?”
Final message
In shaping the future of work with AI, public-private collaboration becomes essential: no single entity — be it business, government or education — can face the complexity of the future of work alone.
Greater collaboration between entrepreneurs, educators, researchers and politicians will be the only way to ensure that AI is not only used ethically and promotes inclusiveness but also equips people with the necessary skills to move forward. Together, they must ensure that the future of work is built on a foundation of creativity, empathy and compassion, where technology and humanity go hand in hand to create a better world for all.
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Conference #EmergingTechnology #Collaboration