How's the weather today?
There is something wrong with the weather. The UK is too wet and windy, southern Europe is far too hot. We are breaking record for extremes in weather every year, sometimes every month.
This years contrast of too wet here, too hot there has been exasperated by a distortion to the traditional trajectory of the Gulf Stream, it has dropped to a direction and route which takes it further south than it should be.
A lesser known but potentially even more devastating phenomenon of Climate Change is the disruption of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) - well described here – in short the underwater cousin of the Gulf Stream that exists within the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. If AMOC continues to distort, which it will unless Climate Change is managed, it could top the charts for the most destructive contributor to drought and widespread crop failure.
Why post this? Why share more frightening insights when so many of us are struggling to understand what we can do about any of it? The mainstream media and most governments are useless. The media loves a sensational headline and a video clip of disaster, the government is consumed by serving themselves and other ‘special interests’ (BP anyone?).
And yet, there is a great deal each individual can do, must do if we are to fix these issues and give our children and grandchildren a chance of a decent life.
Some of the most significant contributors to Climate Change include Transportation, Agriculture, Energy Production and Industry/Manufacturing and we can all affect each of them:
Transportation and Energy Production top most lists because of their heavy reliance on burning fossil fuels – so reduce your consumption and switch to renewable options whenever possible. Fly less, drive less, ride a bike, walk, take the train or bus, switch to a Green Supplier or a Green Tariff.
Agriculture, particularly livestock production is a monstrous factor too. Consider cutting your meat/fish/dairy consumption by 10%, 25% or whatever you can manage. Eat more fresh fruit and veggies, if you can afford it buy Organic.
Industry and Manufacturing can be tricky as some Industries are difficult to influence but every purchase we make has an impact. High profile examples include Clothing and Apparel and Personal Electronics, there are many more of course. Whatever you are shopping for ?– resist the impulse to buy another new outfit, ‘phone etc. Try to buy only when you really need to, buy quality that will last and remember to re-use and recycle.
Most of the above can be described as ‘voting with your feet’ and are well established as highly effective ways to achieve change from an individual standpoint but with far reaching consequences.
Another is Political i.e. actual voting and petitioning. Let your elected representatives know what you want them to on your behalf – as callous, selfish and narcissistic as many of them are, they need your vote. Support one of the responsible Environmental Charities, sign a few petitions. It all helps.
Have a nice day!