Cheap, Fast, Best!
Thats what all leaders need to know. Every business is running on the concept of supply and demand. They don't need someone to tell how a business will run however what is the best it can get to run faster.
Vision is for leaders and only other leaders can understand it. No matter how vague\unrealistic or out of the box it seems initially, can be achieved once gets planted to appropriate architects.
So lets circle back to the subject. HowDoYouDoIT?
If you are a CEO- Is your execution depending on tools which are running by IT?
If you are a CFO- Is IT? the Cost vs Need equation is fitting well
Example- Say you are selling ice-cream. So you'll focus on finding the best flavor, ingredients to make a world class product which will be favorite to kids and older kids.
You have a vision. It can be fulfilled within 5Rs, 5$ or 5€. Here comes the CFO to ensure whatever is spent will meet the value to delight customer, need of business and can run without spending it at all.
Now this is a serious question. meanwhile you struggle with it, and I'll ask another one-HDYDIT?
Like the physical universe, the digital universe is large – by 2020 containing nearly as many digital bits as there are stars in the universe. It is doubling in size every two years, and by 2020 the digital universe – the data we create and copy annually – will reach 44 zettabytes, or 44 trillion gigabytes. READ MORE in reference.
Now focusing more on concluding as this topic will never get answered.
How do you do it?
So far there must have been two mind set. Am i(I) referring to IT or it?
As a leader you are free to consult, seek guidance, reject, repeat, resolve, react and recognize. There is nothing wrong with it.
To sell ice-cream, wouldn't it be amazing if you know how many kids like chocolate and how many parents also like chocolate. That way you'll keep fresh stock and fulfill all needs.
Power to connect with customer is important. Making it feel like you are concerned. That comes from workplace which is driven by security, reliability and agility.
This World growing at the pace of 1Billion per 10 years. It keeps getting faster and may reach 1Billion in 5 year shortly.
If you are running a business I can not tell you how do you do it. I may be able to help to suggest how can you do IT.
Good one about leadership & Ice-cream-
IT- Reference
Reference Data Growth-
World Reference-