How Your Team Experiences Conflict Has a Lot To Do with Trust
Productive conflict starts before the conflict itself arises.

How Your Team Experiences Conflict Has a Lot To Do with Trust

Special thanks to?Jennifer McCuen, a modern learning thought leader and team effectiveness expert,?for being our guest writer for Awesome People Leaders!

Can’t we all just get along?

In fact, no, we can’t – at least, not all the time.? Moreover, nor should we want to.?

Conflict is a necessary catalyst – it provokes a change. A healthy disagreement can expose blind spots, reveal opportunities and expand understanding. But the thing is not all conflict is created equally.

Productive conflict produces positive results – strong relationships, deeper levels of trust, and positive communication.

Unproductive conflict, on the other hand, creates power struggles, escalates tensions, creates “sides”, kills morale, destroys trust, and undermines relationships. Yikes!?

Thousands of books have been written on navigating workplace conflict – largely managing the conflict once it arises.?But productive conflict starts before the conflict itself arises.?Awesome People Leaders know that when their team enjoys a high level of trust – where there is respect for one another, the ability to count on one another, and a desire to be straightforward and honest – then the team just experiences conflict differently.

Awesome People Leaders make it a priority to build trust in order to support productive conflict.?And they pay keen attention specifically to promoting forthrightness – the ability to share what you think and how you feel directly and honestly.??

You can’t force people to speak up.?But you can create an environment where it’s easy for people to say what’s on their mind without fear of retribution.?This can be challenging, because nearly everyone has an experience where their attempt at forthrightness was met with punishment.


Model the behavior you want to see from your team.?

  • Call out sensitive issues.? And then be open to hearing what your team members have to say.?You teach your team that “naming the elephant in the room” is acceptable, and your openness to listening teaches them that their perspective matters.
  • Probe for “elephants in the room.” Ask, “What are we missing?” “What angle haven’t we discussed?” “Is there anything simmering beneath the surface that we need to discuss before we end the meeting?” These questions can be helpful if you see the group lowering the heat to make things more comfortable rather than dealing with the conflict.
  • Call yourself out when you make a mistake.?We learn early in life to take our cues from authority.? Showing your own vulnerability is an accelerant for others being vulnerable.? If you want people to open up, sometimes you have to go first.??
  • Celebrate those who speak up.?The message your team gets is that you don’t get punished for this behavior, but rather, you are positively recognized.

Be patient as you begin working on this.?It may take time for your team to trust you, each other, and themselves.?Keep on eye on both what is said and how it’s being said.?Be supportive.?And watch your own behavior.?If you make these investments, trust on the team will begin to flow.?And that will change how you experience and handle conflict that will naturally arise as diverse perspectives come together to get things done.??

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