How your Super can help you today
Paying attention to your Super today, will pay off tomorrow

How your Super can help you today

A question I’m often asked is: ‘Tamara, is there a way I can access some of my super?’.

There’s a good reason that super isn’t easily available to you before retirement. It’s locked away so you head into your golden years with extra income to support your lifestyle, in addition to the Aged Pension.

However, for many people their super balance is higher than their savings and other assets, so it’s only natural to be curious to see how your super can help you today. 

And yes, there are ways.

While it may not be able to take you and your family on a trip to Disneyland or on a cruise (wouldn't that be nice!?), there are some more beneficial ways in which your super can help you today, whilst still benefiting you tomorrow.

By providing you with valuable lessons about investing

It might not sound that exciting at first, but once you learn the fundamentals of investing, it’s like a light bulb moment: investing is a fascinating world full of potential...and free money!

How is your current super invested?
Is it just in the “default” option? …
Is this even the right investment option for you?

A Certified Financial Planner? can review how your super is currently invested and provide recommendations that are right for you and your future desired lifestyle in retirement.

During this process you’ll gain a good understanding of the fundamentals of investing. (I’ll make it as fun as possible, I promise!)

If you plan on retiring early or want to get ahead financially, then some knowledge of investing is essential. No one ever got rich by leaving their cash in the bank, and your super is a great place to start learning about the difference between growth and defensive assets.

After all, it’s your money, you control it, and by taking an interest in how your super is invested, you’ll gain new found knowledge that will give you confidence to move into other investments, such as managed funds, shares, or property.

It's a trend that I often see with my clients; as you start to understand the benefits of investing, you can’t help but get excited and shift yourself into a growth mindset.

By paying for Professional, Personalised Financial Advice

Good financial advice pays for itself and does so many times over throughout your lifetime. Sunsuper’s Value of Advice Report shows that those who receive advice can be $240,000 better off at retirement.

Also, fees for financial advice can be paid from your super fund*, making obtaining financial advice more affordable than ever.

So if you’ve never had a financial health check from a professional, now is the time to speak with a Certified Financial Planner? to put in place a financial plan for you.

You’ll be surprised how it will flow down to benefit the other areas of your life as well!

*where available, and relating to your super investments

By protecting your lifestyle today

Your super can pay for your Life, TPD (Total & Permanent Disablement) Insurance and Income Protection Insurance.

If you or your partner are paying for personal insurance from your bank account, and if your cash flow is tight, you can consider having your super pay for these premiums.

It’s also vital to check your Super statement to see what you are currently covered for. Many people I speak to get a shock when they see just how little cover they have been given as a ‘default’!

A report from Zurich and Oxford University concludes that Australians have some of the lowest levels of income protection in the world.

If protecting you and your family’s lifestyle is important to you, then it pays to look into this sooner rather than later. Once you are already experiencing health issues or an injury, by then it’s often too late to get the cover you need.

Make sure to seek personalised advice with a Certified Financial Planner?, to determine the correct insurance set up for your needs.

Keeping more of your own money, via tax deductions

If you’re paying a high rate of tax and are also sitting pretty with some extra cash flow, consider making extra contributions to your super fund.

By contributing to super via tax deductible (concessional) contributions, such as salary sacrifice, it’s a win-win situation: You are getting tax deductions today while also boosting your super balance for a comfortable retirement, essentially keeping more of your own money. 

Keep in mind that there’s a $25,000 max limit on concessional contributions each year, so make sure to check how much your employer has already contributed (usually 9.5% of your salary) so you stay within this limit.

Financial assistance in tough times

There are a number of life situations where you can apply to have some of your super released early, based on compassionate grounds, medical reasons, or severe financial hardship.

Some examples include, paying for medical treatments, such as IVF or weight loss surgery, making a loan payment to prevent you from losing your home, or being unable to meet your living expenses due to unemployment.

The ATO has further guidelines on their website, so seek advice if this sounds like you or someone you know.

*** Find what works for you ***

We all want to find the balance of enjoying life today, while making sure that we are putting in place the right foundations for tomorrow. The good news is that you can have the best of both worlds with clever planning and strategies.

I meet far too many people whose Super and finances could be doing much better, if only they had received good financial advice sooner.

Everyone’s personal financial situation is unique, so make sure to seek financial advice from a Certified Financial Planner? so you can get the best advice tailored to your own situation.


Tamara Gillman is a Certified Financial Planner? and the founder of True Journey Financial Planning. She is based in Brisbane and works with people all over Australia to turn their dreams into reality. She provides advice in the areas of Debt Reduction, Super, Investing, Property, Personal Insurance and Wealth Creation.

Any advice in this publication is of a general nature only and has not been tailored to your personal circumstances. Please seek personal advice prior to acting on this information. Before making a decision to acquire a financial product, you should obtain and read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) relating to that product. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns. The information in this document reflects our understanding of existing legislation, proposed legislation, rulings etc as at the date of issue. In some cases the information has been provided to us by third parties. While it is believed the information is accurate and reliable, this is not guaranteed in any way. Opinions constitute our judgement at the time of issue and are subject to change. Neither, the Licensee or any of the National Australia group of companies, nor their employees or directors give any warranty of accuracy, nor accept any responsibility for errors or omissions in this document.


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