How your Smile shapes your life?
How your smile boosts your thoughts and organs to a better place?
Smile Always the cure for hard time, as it enrichs lives to sustain any life challenges, and critical circumstances which most of us face with different severities.
Smile is vital for mind and body, as people who smile have gratitude to accept, and transform negative thoughts and struggles to big push forward to elevate.
Smiling boost face muscles and stimulate other organs efficiently which tends to the peace of mind state, hence good and creative thoughts, and it also boosts other organs functionality from 15% to 30% than the usual state.
How your important to stimulate dopamine and serotonin???
the most important hormones after the growth hormones are the hormones which are boosted because of happiness, the most important 2 are dopamine and serotonin.
You can boost both hormones by physical activities like; running, sexual intercourse, or enjoying your favorite hobbies like; drawing, writing, reading, watching your favorite show, or even driving.
It’s essential daily to find a way or another to go for any of the above for 30 minutes in order to stimulate these hormones regardless your current events or circumstances, these 30 minutes are what we call "me time."
I know that life is so dynamic and costly but not all the activities will cost you that much, I know that most of us take long time to offer food on table for his/her family, and most of their times fade out through their commitments, but believe it or not if you insist on your daily healthy patterns the universe will obey.
How our smile overcome any inner or outer rage, and hate along our way?
Always the smile transforms your norms and patterns even if you have inner battles and it fades out your current struggles, rage, and hate delivered by life challenges, family issues, or workplace it could be the solution even momentarily to restructure your mind and thoughts.
No one has talent or even excel anything in good manners like a professional won’t start or in initiate anything at his/her peaks, as what differs him/her from others is the quality of their outcome, so it’s vital to find time, and place for your “me time.”
Inner rage: are thoughts and battles which no one feels or knows instead of you, and 80% of these thoughts are invalid and spreading because you didn’t give yourself a chance to hold on, and restructure your mind without calling any negative triggers.
Outer rage: is a pit more real rage, hate, or aggression which delivered by the surrounding toxic environments, and communities because of your improper way or envy and aggression by others which you can't control.
Many people can’t regain their guts and momentum without going to extremes like smoking or drinking or even going for bizarre things.
However, the best cure is to practice gratitude and smile than trying to go for any other exaggerated activities to regain your happiness.
Why hater, low standard individuals, and aggressors seek to rape your happiness and positive vibes?
If you choose to be a doer or change maker who add value it won’t be easy at all, you should expect being humiliated, and drained most of the time with many time wasters across your way.
To be from the 1% you should accept many sacrifices at your end, and being the black swan most of the time, to elevate regardless your low resources or status.
It’s better to have all your silver bullets ready, and many contingency plans along your way, because the majority of the people won’t accept your change, and will try to tackle every now and then, and it’s our human nature and you are not alone.
The aggressors, haters, low standards are all under the umbrella of limiting believers, not all their confusions or reasons are real.
Here are some major reasons:
Finally, the best resolution is to analyze and track similar events and keep moving forward to your pre-established with the required milestones to reach your big aims, and don’t give any room for negativity throughout your way.
How to tackle toxic people like a monk?
You can’t stop the Toxic people existence but you can mitigate their effect by transforming their mindset but you can’t control their inner preferences or feelings.
If you need to pass by their hard times, and confusions you should understand and analyze the reasons beyond either the real or the vague ones at that point you will be able to know their irrational fears to use it for your own favor and build to them a vortex every time they try to deliver any negative triggers to your comfort zone without even attending.
Discussion is good only for mature, stable, and respectful people, because toxic people have one real reason and hundreds of fake ones with all the rumors per each along.
If you are willing to hear constructive feedback for your reference it will never happen, as the conversation won’t be win/win one it always tends to lose/win, beside the time you will consume which will be your next loss.
My advice to be sharp and firm specially while dealing with any slackers who master delivering fake sugar coated words, and promises.
Finally, they fear many things at your case, so once they started draining you, so it is the best time to use these things on them without letting them notice.
How manifestation and meditation help you to regain your momentum and peace of mind?
Each one of us has his/her own mind blowers which we live with daily and it consume a big portion of our brain backyard and lead to many urges.
So it’s vital to have time to release all negative triggers by finding a suitable place without distraction without giving any room to interact with anyone or calling any good or bad thoughts.
And connect with nature, your body, and manifest all your dreams, and use positive affirmations it could really help to restructure your thoughts and mind.
Here are some tips for yoga or meditation:
Ensure your hydration, and all your intakes are in place and you feel no hunger or thirst.
Ensure you have slept well and avoid recalling any thoughts unless you recall it.
Try to release any rage or hate and enjoy the power of gratitude even for little things, you can increase your gratitude level by prayers or what make you happy to reach the calm state of mind with no rebounds.
Finally think clearly for each problem you are facing as a third party don’t have any problems, then look deep down to what want to gain, lose, want, and reject to pass by and overcome like a monk.?