How Is Your Self Confidence
Lee Broders
International Business Mentor & Life Coach | Professional Speaker | Author | NED | Empowering Business Owners to create TIME for strategic GROWTH | Specializing in scaling businesses to 7-figures and beyond
How is Your Self-Confidence
How do you feel about yourself confidence?
The word confidence comes from the Latin “fidere”, meaning to trust. Being self confident is to trust in yourself, in your abilities, qualities and your judgment.
If you're anything like me, it may fluctuate from day to day, even hour to hour, depending on what I'm doing and who I'm interacting with.
Well, guess what?
This is normal and everyone goes through it. Yes, everyone. It doesn't matter who you are, from a student to the CEO of a top international corporation, we all, at some times, lack self confidence.
Lack of self-confidence can be given different names, whether you're the top executive suffering from imposter syndrome, a new mother who is not body confident or a student who believes that they're not good at a subject or actually learning itself.
All of these are very real and very common, but guess what?
Self-confidence is not something that we're born with, it is a skill that we learn.
Now at this point, you're probably thinking, what would Lee know about low self-confidence. Well, Lee has and does suffer from low self-confidence at times.
In fact, the three I've mentioned above, I've experienced myself. Well, maybe not the new mother bit, but certainly around my body confidence when I went up to 21 stone.
Back to learning to being more self-confident, when we're able to identify and address our lack of self confidence we're able to live more fulfilled lives.
Why would you not want to?
Here are seven tips to help you become more self confident.
1. Practice positive thinking - Think and talk positively, reframe your mindset to stay away from negative thoughts and people.
2.Overcome your limiting beliefs - We all have limiting beliefs that we have learned from others and our own experiences. However, these can be overcome.
3. Improve your self talk - Be optimistic and positive when you talk to yourself, oh yes, we all do it. Talk about yourself as if you are someone you love as we should all love ourselves.
4. Think of your past successes - We all have successes in our life, it is remembering them and how that made you feel when you did succeed and draw on those feelings.
5. Visualise your goals - Imagine what is you want and how you will feel when you get it. This can be very powerful.
6. Practice gratitude - When you are grateful for what you have and what you have achieved, you will find that your self confidence will increase.
7. Do not compare yourself to others - You're all that you need, you can achieve whatever you want. You do not go and have to look at others, what they're doing.
It is not always easy to increase your self-confidence and I'm not going to tell you it is, it can be a rollercoaster of a ride with many ups and downs, as it requires you to be able to step out of your comfort zone and be courageous about what you're going to do, but it is achievable with hard work and commitment, being honest with yourself and wanting to make the changes in the life that will give you a more satisfied and fulfilling life, which we're all capable of.
I hope you found this informative and insightful.