How your mindset on sales makes or breaks your business

What percentage in business is having the right mindset and perspective of thinking?  20%? 50%? Even 75 or 80%?  Big names like Tony Robbins and Grant Cardone wouldn't exist if people in business or sales didn’t think highly of having a coach or a different perspective to help them achieve the next level.  Right?  So what’s a sales mindset?

The way you think about sales!  I know, I caught you off guard there.  How you think about helping other people, how you speak about your product, the actions you go through or stay away from, and how you think about the way growth actually happens all ties into your sales mindset.  Here’s what I mean.  

Do you know how many people work in sales or have their own coaching or consulting business and they are terrified of the process?  You know, they love their product and maybe even believe in it but have uncertainty about showing someone else that they should love it too.  

It’s the coach that genuinely believes he or she can get their clients to the next level of weight loss, or online marketing or happiness in their life BUT doesn’t feel comfortable asking for and collecting money.  Well, how should one think to overcome this?  We have to look at how growth happens.  Amazon didn’t become the giant that it has by not aggressively going after every online purchase.  They want every dollar spent online to go through their website, why?  Because they believe their customer experience and product offering is superior to the rest and they would actually be doing a disservice to a consumer by not MAKING SURE they shopped on Amazon.  

Are you following me?  Are you so confident in what you have to offer in your consulting business or sales role, that you believe there is no other way your client can go on with their life without you.  It’s your obligation to that prospect to learn sales, perfect your sales process and make sure they purchase your product.  

Ok, I can hear some of you saying “Wow, Chaz, isn’t that a little forceful? I just want to work with the people that want to work with me.”  I get it, and there will be clients that come to you and ask you to sign the deal, BUT 90% if not more, is something you must go get!  Why?  Because there is someone just like you, with a similar offering who is hungry enough to talk to your client with the conviction I am talking about.  

When you have removed the ‘icky’ feeling and thinking about sales and ‘manipulating’ someone to do something, you break through to a superior level of thinking which leads you to action. You should study to hone your craft and have a conviction so strong that people will want to work with you without even hearing what you have to offer yet!  Sales is NOT getting someone to do something they don’t want to do. 

I know, you had that one salesperson that wouldn’t shut up and all they wanted was a sale.  I get it. I have coached private clients that were so desperate for a sale that you could probably smell their desperation from a mile a way.  You’re allowed to want and NEED a deal, don’t mishear me.  I want your business to grow too.  

We just have to agree though, that we first need to make sure our product fits a problem they have and then, and only then, we can help them. (And you help yourself!  See how that works?)  You don’t have to feel icky about helping people actually get what they want.  In fact, I would go as far as to say that sales might be the most noble thing one can do.  

Once you master your sales process, your confidence grows, making your thinking and conviction strong like a fire that consumes the right prospects.  And the ones we can’t help...refer to someone who can or go out of your way to connect them to a direction that can lead them in the right way.  Your belief CANNOT just be in your product and offering, although that’s a great place to start.  You MUST believe that you are genuinely bringing good to your fellow mankind, because you are!  

It’s your duty to press in when it gets hard.  It’s your duty to know how to properly sell your product.  It’s your duty to help as many people as you possibly can.  I mean, after all, isn’t that why you were created?  But that is for a different article on a different day.  

Go press into what’s in front of you.  Your business or sales pipeline won’t grow without the action of talking to more people.  Make sure you are sharp in the way you speak and sharp in your mind and the way you think.  It would be a travesty to hold yourself back from helping all those people you are meant to help.


