How Your Mind Is Blocking You From Becoming Fit, Free, And Satisfied.

How Your Mind Is Blocking You From Becoming Fit, Free, And Satisfied.

*Disclaimer: diet gurus can’t tell you this because food freedom and effortless weight management are their blindspots too.*

Hi Wonderful,?

Do you still find yourself waking up in the morning to the following thoughts?

  • “Why can't I lose the weight? ”?
  • “Why am I still a victim of food cravings?"
  • “I can’t find clothes I can wear...screw it, I’ll just wear what hides my body better.”
  • “Is he still attracted to me?”?
  • ….

I keep hearing many people telling me about these everyday thoughts and struggles. And most of these people are highly successful in what they do — they have great professions, are high achievers in their careers and are fun, loving, understanding, kind, and driven.?

They are so determined to accomplish the goals they’ve set for themselves. But for some reason, they can’t crack the code on getting fit no matter how many years and decades they’ve been trying. So every morning, they wake up to the same question — “Why can’t I do it?” — day after day, year after year.?

If this sounds like you, please listen carefully ... (No one else will tell you this simple fact because they are afraid of telling you the truth or they don't know better. But I care enough to tell you this very important truth!)

You will continue to repeat this pattern with your body - because your mind has decided to, at least at this moment.?

“Leslie what do you mean that my mind has decided to?” You’d ask. “I want to lose the weight now more than anytime else!”?

The truth is: regardless how much TRYING you’ve been doing, you are living and reliving the identity, emotions, and thoughts of a dieter, 'tryer,' and prisoner of a body mostly without being aware of it.

And TRYING, not becoming, is now the dominant pattern in you.?

Exhaustion. Frustration. Disappointment. Desperation. Fear. Anger….

Here are some big truth-bombs for you:

  • This pattern guarantees that you won’t become a healthy, skinny, and free person because it’s making you feel and live the very opposite. So instead of going north, you are going south, adamantly.?
  • The pattern is becoming your identity which not only runs your body image but also everything of you — including thoughts, emotions, feelings, impulses, actions, outcomes, and relationships etc.
  • The pattern won’t easily go away because it has already been deeply rooted in your subconscious mind after years and years of repetition. For most people trying to lose weight — perhaps as you can see from your mom, aunts, or grandma — it continues for life.?

And perhaps you’ve already believed your relationship with food will always resemble theirs, and their limits will always be yours.?

However, this is GREAT news for you because all you need to do is to remove this pattern then everything will become different.?

Because truly, when you’ve adopted a new mind, you start awakening a different set of instincts (both mentally and physically), which makes losing the weight nothing more than a side effect.?

This is exactly what we do at RISE LEAN — helping people lose weight effortlessly by first of all, breaking the mental pattern of a forever dieter. Weight loss, like most other big changes in life, is 90% a mind game. Without the mind of a true healthy, free person, those things you’ve tried — diets, exercises, pills and shakes — are only bandaids and none of the “results” achieved from those can really last.?

So I’m compelled to write this letter today because you have a choice to have EASE while losing it left and right.?

You have a choice to avoid the sadness and pain that you are going through right now.?

And you have the choice to do it once and only once from this moment on...for the result that will last for years and years to come.?

It also means not regretting missing out on more fun, a year later, when you look at the vision book you are drawing out for 2023 right now.?

Start breaking your self-limiting mental patterns because that's how you remove the biggest blockage towards the health and fitness you want.

When you are ready to see the transformation, book your Breakthrough-To-Health Session with us and find out what’s possible and how.

To Your Happiness.?


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