How Your Fear About Money Kills Cash From Flowing In (& How To Finally Have Your Big Money Breakthrough)
Nancy Fox - Productizer, AI Innovation
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There is an old story about the monkey and cookies in a cookie jar:
A monkey puts his hand into a jar of chocolate chip cookies. He loves chocolate so he grasps as many cookies as he can possibly hold, but when he tries to pull his cookie-filled hand out of the jar, his hand gets stuck. He can't move it at all.
The monkey's hand is so filled with cookies, it gets stuck at the neck of the jar.
Moral of the story: Fear of losing what you have causes you to lose it all.
This is very often how people feel about money.
They are so fearful of losing any money, they are completely stuck:
...they hold on with terror to any money they have, they make money decisions based on fear, and thus they they prevent more flowing in or enjoy what they have.
Fear about money has killed off the natural flow of cash coming in.
Your Thinking About Money
You did not come out of the womb with a natural fear about money.
You learned it... from parents, from family members, from society, in school, on television, the media, social media.
Too often you are dragging a very big sack of fear and doubt and emotional baggage about money around for months, years, even a lifetime.
I have a friend who made a huge amount of money when she was very young. By the time she was forty, she had lost it all, made it back, only to be shocked when it was stolen from her by fiancee!
Her mother had always warned her about the evils of money so she made sure she ultimately had none.
There are so many adages about money that express our mental attitudes about it:
"Money is the root of all evil"
"Money can't buy you love"
"Money makes the world go round"
"Money talks"
"Making a lot of money is for other people, not me"
And how about this oldie but goodie:
"Greed is good."
What's the motto that best expresses what you learned about money, what you embraced and hold onto for dear life about money? How has it impacted your decisions in life?
About jobs/career?
Life partners?
Where you live?
Who you are friends with?
Most of my clients and potential clients come to me with enormous fear about losing money. Since almost all are over 50 and have lost jobs, are leaving jobs, or want to leave jobs, the fear about losing that "paycheck safety" is a huge albatross around their neck.
Most have this fear that spending anything on their new career or business or training is actually being frivolous, and that they will most likely NEVER recoup this money- much less exceed the amount.
Are you in this camp? Believing that you must be very, very, very "safe" about money?
I am not about to tell you to spend, be reckless, or throw caution to the wind.
To the contrary.
However, I am going to remind you about something very important:
Money is energy. It flows out, and it flows in - unless you take actions to stop the flow.
Your Fear Is Damming Up Your Money Flow
That's right. I said it because this is true.
Your fear is the very thing that is slashing cash from flowing in.
How can that be? Aren't you just being cautious and careful - as you've been taught to be?
Not really.
Because fear is causing you to make decisions that perpetuates lack, and restricts prosperity from coming your way.
Fear about money causes you to negotiate from weakness.
Fear about money causes you to charge less than you're worth or deserve.
When you come from fear your are energetically preventing the flow of prosperity coming back in.
I spoke to a woman in recent months who has a PhD, is brilliant, has so many skills and talents to offer the market. She has not been able to get a new job after losing her former one (of course not, she's well over 50 and is seen as way "overqualified") but she certainly could be generating lots of cash. Unfortunately she's so frightened to spend anything on learning new ways to do this she has chosen to take a job cleaning bathrooms to earn some money rather than bet on herself!
The people who make money are willing to believe in their capacity to earn, and don't let fear drive their decisions. This doesn't mean they don't feel fear. It means they don't let fear be their counselor around money decisions.
They are open to opportunity and don't let their mindset and language diminish their results.
Rather than saying "I can't afford that" they say "How will I afford that?"
Can you hear the difference?
If just once, you switched it up and said:
"How will I find a way to afford that new opportunity?" - how could that change your life for the better, forever? Just consider that.
So if Fear is the enemy, who are your Friends when it comes to Money?
Ah.... now that is a great question.
You need to get very tight with these five new friends in order to have money flowing toward you instead of away from you.
- Purpose & Passion
When you know what the money is for, and you feel the passion about earning the money for this purpose, there is greater power and energy behind the effort. When the purpose is there, the power to accomplish is higher.
If you want to send your kids to a better college, or you want to build your dream house, or you want to start a non-profit, or get that red Ferrari... knowing and focusing on what you truly want, feeling the passion about it, will start new prosperity energy flowing toward you.
2. Faith
Wayne Dyer said it best: You have to believe it, then you'll see it.
Most of you want a guarantee, evidence, proof that your investments will produce results. What financial broker guarantees your investments? Where is it written that if you get a Master's Degree you are guaranteed a better job?
Most of us have a very hard time betting on ourselves. We want other people to bet on us, but we won't do it.
Where is the logic in this?
Your faith in your purpose and your process is the key, is the absolute foundation of financial and monetary abundance.
Faith is a challenge. We have to believe before there is evidence. That's why they call it faith.
If you believe you will earn, or you believe you won't, you're right.
3. Intention
The way I see intention, it is the concretization of faith. It is taking faith and putting a mental 'command' to it.
An intention is an assertion, an affirmation to the universe that a result will occur at some point.
The more specific and accurate the intention, the closer to desired results the outcome will be. This means you must verbalize your intentions very carefully. They must be verbalized as actual occurrences vs. being wishes.
These intentions must be stated daily - through verbal affirmations, meditation, or any other means. Sometimes they are post it notes on your bathroom mirror.
This is all because you must disrupt the old fear circuits in your subconscious brain, and instill new power programming.
4. Taking Consistent Action
Even with all the right mental skills in play, if you don't act on your intentions, nothing can come to fruition.
And here's where the rubber meets the road.
You cannot just take one or two actions periodically and HOPE that new results will happen.
You must take the right actions consistently.
You must make decisions to market/generate leads - consistently not just once in a while.
You must network with the right decision makers regularly;
you must practice your sales skills regularly;
you must create a fund for your personal and professional development and willingly invest in yourself with coaching and training regularly.
Whatever your intentions, you must take action consistently. The message to your brain is: "I intend to generate prosperity, and I'm serious about it. There is no gap in my commitment."
Even if you don't feel like it, even if you're tired, even if you are feeling fear...
you must be taking the right actions - no excuses. (This is the prosperity-building step most people give up on fastest! - and why they don't realize the results they want).
5. Stop Listening To Naysayers & Negative Self-Talk
It's very easy for all around you to spread doubt and fear. It makes them feel good and makes them not look at their own fear - and it's all in the "interest of helping you not fail."
How ridiculous.
They are doing it because they have their own fear and then they won't be alone.
Your success is your responsibility.
If you don't want to be prey to fear and failure around money any more, stick with those who are fearless, determined, hungry, inspiring, unstoppable.
Stick with the winners.
Stop listening to those naysayers, small thinkers/small living people.
Stop listening to your negative self talk and spend your energy on building your positive affirmations and plans.
Focus on the possible, not on your fears of the past.
"Let go or be dragged."
So now, you have a choice:
Do you choose to stay in the small, fearful, familiar zone or are you really ready to have a breakthrough about money.
My client Andrea had a real terror about money. Her belief was that her husband was the real talent and money maker, not her. But after working these 5 steps with me, she started generating more money independently than she ever thought would happen, and what's more - she began to believe in her potential for generating money and prosperity going forward.
(I want a breakthrough around money like Andrea - so let's talk)
Her belief about herself and her money potential had shifted.
Does the fear ever go away completely? No.
But your power over it does!
Are you sick and tired of having your fear of money stop you from making more, generating more, having a more fulfilled life? Then let's have a complimentary chat because I can show you where you are stuck and what you need to break fear of the money trap and how you can become a prosperity magnet.
Nancy Fox is the leading high-performance business strategy and confidence coach for entrepreneurs at 50+, creator of The Business Fox Start Up School and Discover My Business Idea Method. She helps former execs, employees, and entrepreneurs turn their know-how and expertise into highly profitable 6 and 7 figure service, consulting or coaching businesses. For more details she can be reached here.
Join her FREE Facebook group: Entrepreneurs Fired Up After Fifty
For some, you a
Financial Advisor at Edward Jones
6 年Great article on fear vs money! The risk to growing your money (wealth) is usually the person in the mirror you see each morning.
Creator of the ???????????????????? ???? ?????????????? ?????????????????? helping ???????????????????? & ?????????????????????????? uplift their relationship and results with money and wealth.
6 年So many points you have made are real.? Money is much more of an emotional issue.??
Therapist at Lyn Lake Psychotherapy and Wellness
6 年I love the metaphor of the hand grasping the cookies and then getting stuck therefore having to release all the cookies to get the hand out. ?Great post, Nancy!