How was your day?

How was your day?

I trust you had positive end to the working week. Before I start my weekend, I thought I’d just share my highlight for today.

This afternoon I had a one-to-one coaching session with one of my clients. Of course, details remain strictly confidential, but an overview of his position could well help others in a similar situation. My clients’ “pain point” was around money- with a by-product being the knock-on-effect money pressures were having on his family and his direct relationship with them.

We discussed his circumstances at length and in-depth with full disclosure in order to get complete clarity on his situation. Once we’d been through that, we then agreed to move things forwards together from this point onwards in a positive, productive fashion. We started by discussing immediate priorities and timelines with specific action points. We created a ‘checklist’ to adhere to along the way. We focused in on three fixed stages: now to a six-month cycle; a further eighteen-month period; and then beyond two-years to maintain a consistent pattern of behaviour.

Long story short, the two-hour session proved hugely productive (for us both). My clients’ tone, body language, confidence levels and self-believe grew exponentially over the two-hour session. I, in turn, found the session hugely rewarding. The steps we proposed and agreed on are not going to be easy to follow and for sure will take hard-work, dedication and commitment. That said, by having clarity and a “road map” to work towards meant a lot of the stress and pressure can gradually start to be lifted from my client’s shoulders. To witness this mindset transformation in just two hours was positive, productive and very satisfying to be a part of.

Whilst the session was enjoyable today, I look forward to seeing the changes-in-action and ultimately the results with improved circumstances for my client over an established timeline.

As an experienced headhunt specialist and CTI trained coach (2012), I work with mid-to-senior level professionals aiming to develop their lives and careers to maximise their full potential. I operate in London and across the Surrey region. For life or career coaching advice, feel free to DM me to set up a private, confidential discovery call.


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