How is your business?
Shawn Wasinger
COO/VP of Operations - New Concept Auto Service - Johnson County, Kansas City
How is your business positioned? As we continue into 2017 there has been some uncertainty of what overall US Business is going to look like. It appears that there is still some nervousness within the Freighting Companies but as you continue to read you start to see there is a light gleaming at the end of the tunnel. So I ask you again, is your business positioned correctly? Are you in a holding pattern, or are you coming in hot for a quick landing to grab and go? Either position is ok, but one is going to come out ahead in the long run, but I will let you decide on which one that will be! As our Country depends very heavily on the hauling of freight, the below article is a refreshing article to read, its not all lollipops and ice cream, but there is hope. As our DOW continues to increase people will become more confident in the overall market and will in turn start to leverage their investments against others. When the Dow goes up, everyone gets excited, and when it goes down, everyone gets upset. But what is the Dow? Clearly, it’s a means of measuring the overall growth and health of the market, but what exactly does that number mean? It means that the top 100 companies that the DOW uses to reflect the market are up and people are investing or at the very least investment firms are. Basically what I am trying to say, now is a great time to invest back into your business to better position yourself when the business starts to come your way!! Good Luck!
Here is the article that I am speaking of...