“How Your Bank Can Get 1000’s of New Referral Customers And Acquire New High Value Fixed Deposits From Existing Clients, on 100% Automatic Mode”
Jayant Hudar
Founder & CEO @ School of Business Wisdom, Master Business Coach, 3 Times #1 Amazon Best Selling Author and Seminar Speaker
Your Customers Will Bring You New Customers Every Single Day
We have developed a Proprietary System to Acquire New Business Customers for Your bank and Will explain here Foundation of it here in next 4 minutes.
We will not try to sell you anything unless you want us to and so will come straight to hard facts about banks.
Just keep your Mind open and hear the whole concept before rejecting or doubting it.
“All Banks are almost Same – Not Much Differentiation.”
The root cause of all problems is that most banks nowadays are almost same. They all give the same services and offer almost same Interest rates on savings and Loans. Differentiating any bank from other is so difficult for a common man. You have made it difficult for a Businessman to choose or prefer Your bank compared to other banks.
And we can help you to Differentiate and Position Your Bank in an Advantageous Position using a Simple yet highly effective method.
let’s look at the some of the Mistakes most banks do without Intention.
Most banks make these 5 Blunders due to which getting new business is so difficult.
#1 Mistake : The BANK Does Not Have A BIG Client Acquisition System.
Are you happy with your present new client acquisition? If yes, then you are lucky, you don’t need to read ahead. Stop reading right now.
However, if not, then you know that just having a relationship manager or few marketing executives will not help, most banks don’t have a real scientific Marketing system through which new customers can be acquired.
?Read ahead, I am going to share with you the exact system of doing it.
# 2 Mistake?: No Active Referral System Is In Place.
You may be getting few referral clients, however mostly it’s a passive thing. Most banks do not have an ACTIVE referral system in place.
Just Asking for references is the most ineffective method to get new clients.
?Why should Any of your Client spend his time and effort to market for you without any real benefit for Himself.? What are you going to give him?
Rs2000/- ? Come on, You know what is the response you get. You almost have to plead them to even give a cold reference. you should Give a solid reason for getting referrals.
( More on how to do this exactly is explained below )
# 3 Mistake : Banks Don’t Do Much For The Existing Customers. NOT MUCH.
You may say you already give them interest on money, or maybe Birthday SMS greetings and updates, so basically Banks just do banking activity , taking the customers for granted.
Nothing to actually delight the customers. Nothing really to make your customers talk about you.
We are Suggesting you to do something useful and very valuable for them.
# 4 Mistake : Provide Almost Same Services And Offerings As All Other Banks.
All banks are offering almost same services as others; there is no differentiation as such. Maybe few point percentage more or less as interest on deposits, or loans. Nothing so great to talk about.
?Now for the Most Important point and a BIG mistake which BANKS are not even thinking off.
?Before that, Let me ask you a question first.?
Even though Your Bank may have the official Business Account for a Business owner,
?“Do You Help Any Business Owner To Grow His Business?”
?If you are thinking about it, You are not alone. And this is the MISTAKE and A BIG OPPORTUNITY to transform your Business acquisition.
?# 5 Mistake : You DON’T help your Clients grow their Money or Business.
?You may say, “Hey, That’s not our Job” I would say, IT IS YOUR JOB if you want Your own business to grow.
Just giving an Interest or Loans is not growing business. That’s a basic premise. Banks have evolved and matured now. With the advancement of technology, your cost of operations has actually reduced. Manpower required to support clients has reduced. However you have not done a Value addition beyond basic banking, No Trust building or relationship building activity was done for the Clients.( executive visiting few HNI clients and maybe keeping a Orchestra once in a year or giving a Calendar on the new year is all what you may have done. Do you think that’s enough?) Please read to know, how you can change that.
?“You did not help your valuable customers to grow their business”
The Banks business is directly proportional to the Business and growth of its customers. By the 80/20 principle, 20 percent of your clients are making 80 % of profits for the bank. However, even after having so many business owners accounts in your bank, what have you done to activity help these most important clients of yours? And then without actually helping them to grow, you are like a self -centered organization is expecting your business to grow? Just by reducing the Interest offered and increasing the Loan interests? Or collecting some extra money for statements and credit card transactions?
?Now the real question is..
“ How Can You Show Real Value To The Customers, Help Your Customers To Grow And Then Make Them Refer Clients To You ?”
The solution for all the above problems is explained in the next few pages. Complete with an implementation plan and maybe even 100% automatic for you.
NOTE: Comment or message me to give you the Solution which no bank has ever thought of and you could use it for your Advantage.