This is how you win and retain clients
Carole Rayner
Business Leader, Strategist & Work Winner at Seeking New Management role in construction or building products
Here is the big plus point which will help you win and retain your clients.
I can feel some of you holding your breath waiting for me to reveal some mind-blowing revelation.
Well in one way it is because companies spend a huge amount trying to win and retain business. When you think about it, then it is obvious because it is what we all look for in a supplier.
So here it is - let's disclose this secret weapon in client retention. Being dependable.
What? Yes, being dependable. We all want these qualities in a business partner - reliability, trustworthiness, and honesty. Deliver excellent customer care on top of this and you are on your way to being a top performer. How is this so insightful? Well, many businesses miss the obvious they are so wrapped up in getting the steal over the competition on price, or clever marketing, winning sales strategies, advertising, etc. that they forget the basic functions of a business such as good reliable service.
If clients have had a good experience using your company then they will use you again and spread the word. A recommendation is worth far more than any marketing campaign. A recommendation is equivalent to an excellent case study. It conveys confidence and low risk.
To be dependable requires efficiency in the business. Knowledgeable staff that can advise clients so they make the right choices. It means doing what you said you would do and keeping clients up to date with any changes. Delivering delight, not nasty surprises.
We all have problems now and then but customers remember how they were treated and how the problem was dealt with by you. A satisfactory outcome can reinforce customer loyalty. A negative outcome for the client can mean that you have won a battle but in the long run, you have lost the war.