How you speak to yourself matters

How you speak to yourself matters

How you speak yourself has a huge impact on your ability to succeed and stay motivated when it comes to your goals. Here are 2 patterns you need to cognitively reframe to increase your chances of success.

  1. Avoid language of "have to" & "should". These are demotivating words imlying obligation. Instead of "I have to update my resume" or "I should update my Linkedin" switch to "I get to", " I choose to" or " I want to update it"
  2. Zero tolerance policy for self-criticism : In studies with competitive athletes self-criticism had detrimental consequences on performance. Instead, flip to move affirming inner language " I am ready &prepared" "I am learning through the challenges" "I'll find a way to make it work". Changing what you tell yourself changes how you feel which impacts how you show up and what you achieve.


