How are you showing up?

When we are focused on growing our business, showing up can be the last thing on our mind. But if we want to continue to grow, we NEED to.?

Afterall…how will your ideal clients know you are out there if you don’t show up and show them WHO you are.?

Today, I have a quick exercise for you. Follow these simple and easy steps:

  1. Grab a piece of paper
  2. Write down everything you know about your ideal clients
  3. Write down everywhere you think your ideal client shows up. This could be social media, live events, or anywhere else.?
  4. Do a quick audit and make a list of everywhere you are showing up.?
  5. Now cross reference your list and the list of your ideal clients?

When we can determine where we have crossover with our ideal clients and if there are lacking points of contact, we gain CLARITY on where to show up.?

If you’re ready to learn more about attracting your ideal client, join the Masters in Clarity team for this month's free workshop!

When: July 29, 2022

Time: 1-2 pm EST

Where: Virtual

RSVP Now! It’s FREE!?

In Clarity,?

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PS: While you’re waiting for the workshop date to arrive, check out my recent podcast episode. How To Scale A Profitable Soul-Aligned Business With K.C. Rossi.


