How Will You Show Up?
Andrea Bednar
Speaker, Author, Intervening in business as usual by developing extraordinary human leaders
No matter what is happening, there is one area, every single day, where you have a choice.
Choose who you'll be.
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Victor Frankl
We are living in the most reactive times of my lifetime - maybe not for you personally, but for all of us together, globally.
Reactive times generate reactions. Reactions are rarely our most useful or effective behaviors. They are a result of attempting to protect ourselves, stay in control, manage our fears.
What these times call for is choosing our response. Being prepared with a designed way of responding to our circumstances so we can be our best selves.
Choosing a response that allows for our freedom. Freedom from the tyranny of the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Every day on my digital to-do list, I have an action.
"Who you will be today and how will you show up?"
I design myself every day. To be honest, somedays I'll have a moment where I forget what I created, or my reaction seizes control. But at some point, I will remember. I will bring myself back to the self that I created for the day.
Practice this for one week
Every morning ask yourself: Who will I be today? How will I show up? Make some notes of what you learn from doing this. Also, make note of any miracles that show up this week (even if they seem unrelated to this practice).
Let me know how it goes and what you discover.
This is a place where you can reclaim your power - the power that is leaking out into the hard things we are all dealing with right now.