How will you recognize International Women's Day? #IWD18
There is a speech floating around the internet. One of the most important I've ever seen in my life.
Although the time stamp clearly states this is from 2015; this video, this speech, this message gets more relevant by the day. And 61M viewers seem to agree.
I watch it whenever I'm having a really tough day. When I've experienced something that only another woman would understand. When I've felt tossed to the side or lost, or misunderstood by the men I'm constantly surrounded by. Sure "it's" getting better, but is it? I believe the only people who will make it better are the women around me - because we've FINALLY started to ask ourselves and each other...
"What do we do now?"
As women in 2018, we are in crisis. Do not let anyone tell you any different.
This isn't a moment. It's a movement that recognizes the depths of how bad this situation really is.
- There are 76 million girls in the world who can't read and who probably never will.
- Less than 40% of countries provide girls and boys with equal access to education. Only 39% of countries have equal proportions of boys and girls enrolled in secondary education.
- 54 million of the 76 million illiterate young women live in only 9 countries:
- Women currently hold 26 (5.2%) of CEO positions at Fortune 500 companies.
- Women own only 5 percent of startups.
- Females earn only 28 percent of computer science degrees.
- Only 7 percent of partners at top 100 venture capital firms are women.
Maybe the stats above don't startle you. Maybe you prefer to think that a gender balance is okay, status quo even... and that things are slowly getting better.
Let me remind you. We are all the victims or heroes of our own destiny. It is up to us to be the leaders of this narrative and create change instead of waiting for it. For young women everywhere
"If you can see it, you can be it."
We have to show our future leaders what Girl Power means - that they can achieve anything they want. But we've got a long way to go...
There are women leading the charge. We need to hear their battle cries and step up to join their fight. One of the greatest activists of our time is Reese Witherspoon, who has taken her mission far beyond speeches and red carpets. I've held her teachings gospel since she proved them all wrong in Legally Blonde with a razor sharp brain and untouchable integrity. Venturing out onto my own, I studied her lessons of entrepreneurship and cheered from the sidelines as she launched success after success. Most importantly, I've been overcome with hope as she's really pushed forward the biggest movements of our time - #MeToo and #TimesUp.
Reese is the kind of role model that has shaped women like me. The loud ones. The feisty ones. Those of us who DEMAND female empowerment. Because of Reese and others like Gloria Allred, Sheryl Sandberg, Oprah, Jessica Chastain, Madonna and Taylor Swift... it has created an entire generation of female activists who do more than just hold picket signs at feminist rallies; we rally for real change by creating it.
We may not have a female president to look up to yet - but I haven't lost hope. ;)
So. What do we do now?
Let's start with tomorrow shall we?
I encourage you, whoever you are... whatever your story... to find out the story of a woman who means a lot to you. She may never have shared her struggles or details of all of the times she has hit the glass ceiling. Ask her about it. Use her story to fuel your fight for equality, for empowerment of women everywhere. If you're her... share your story. You have no idea whose match you will light with your words. All it takes is one pivotal moment to spark everlasting change.
A passionate feminist, Kelsey Cole is a fierce supporter of her fellow females through mentorship, speaking and activism. She is an advocate of the #TimesUp movement and uses her global stage as a tech executive and co-founder of to fight for equality and female empowerment worldwide.