How are you??And not in the typically British way of asking just to be polite.
But honestly,?how are you?
My old boss used to tease me (in a loving way of course!) that whenever my answer was “fine” to that question, then I was anything but fine! And the higher pitched my “fine” was, the worse I was?actually?feeling.??
Your answer may be along the theme of “I’m really good, I’m doing what I love and I’m full of energy”?
If it’s not, then know that it’s?perfectly normal to?not?feel like that.
Honestly. I’ve been feeling a bit flat recently, a bit out of control and questioning myself… Or in other words “fine!”
So I thought I’d share with you?ten things YOU can do to feel good (or a bit better).
- Acknowledge how you’re feeling.?It’s one thing putting on a front to others, but we often?put a front on to ourselves?too… Allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling.
- Do 3 things to boost your energy.?Whether that’s singing to your favourite song, going for a run (I’d never do this one FYI!) ?? or having an afternoon nap. Prioritise boosting your energy.
- Opt out of things that bring you down. Whether that’s social media, reading the news or being around people who bring you down. Know that you get to choose and you can choose to opt out.
- Find your cheerleaders.?Whether it’s your friends, family or co-workers, find people who have your back and?spend more time with them.
- Ask for help.?I hate to break this to you… But you’re not super human! You can’t do?everything,?all?of the time, for?everyone. Know that it’s ok to?ask for help, to?delegate and to?outsource.?
- Get help from meds if it’s the right thing for you.?I know this time of year can be hard for a lot of people. Know that taking medication to help rebalance your brain is perfectly ok and may help lift that dark cloud.
- Insert more joy and happiness in your life. Whether it’s meeting up with friends for a cuppa or a cocktail (I love doing both), going out on date night or being in nature – make sure you’re being proactive here.
- Spend 5 minutes doing something you love every day.?This may sound easy, but ask yourself, are you actually doing this consistently? Read a book, phone a friend, do a puzzle it’s up to you (I did a puzzle at the weekend and loved it!)
- Know that you’re not alone!?So often my clients tell me how they’re feeling and they believe they’re the only one who feels like this, but please take comfort that you’re absolutely not alone… ??
- Be kind to yourself.?We often say things to ourself that we would?never?say to our best friend. So decide to be your own best friend and be kind to yourself.?
Which of these resonates most with you??
Writing them out, for me I want to do more of number 7. It’s been way too long since I had a cocktail night so I’m taking action to get a couple booked in! ??
Send me a message to let me know... How are you?
I mean it - message me! I do care and I'd love my inbox to be flooded with you telling me ??
And add in the comments; Which of these do you want to do more of?
P.S. I sent this as an email recently and the feedback was so lovely!
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