Brad Harris
Founder "Free of Plastics" Initiative, freelance writer and English teacher.
iHawk GPS Tracking provides your workers with great confidence that you’re supporting them. It’s crucial that you’re providing your employees the best conditions to work in, not only in regard to occupational health and safety laws, but so that you retain the best personal possible.
I’m talking about your workers that leave the office or factory floor as part of their daily business, whether it’s delivering goods, going to customer’s houses for servicing or for on-site inspections, you need to be able to act quickly in an emergency situation. Nothing will provide you the information you need more quickly than a GPS tracker with a Distress button.
What is a Distress Button?
A Distress Button allows an employee to simply press a button on their GPS tracker and an email and SMS will be sent with map co-ordinates to advice you there is an issue. The GPS tracker also can be used for direct voice contact so you can ascertain the issue and act accordingly, such as sending emergency assistance. It saves time, it allows the issue to be resolved quickly and there is no messing about with bringing out mobile phones, trying to establish the location etc.
I’ve previously worked for London Borough of Camden where I was walking everyday doing checks on streets. There were 2 occasions where I felt fearful for my safety;
- One occasion was when it was nearing nighttime in winter, so around 4pm. I turned a corner in an area where there were a lot of closed shops, it was a little rundown and some homeless usually slept under the overhang of the walkway above. On this particular afternoon there were a group of mid-teens, about 10-15 of them. As I had a bright red work-issued jacket on, there wasn’t really an opportunity to slink past without much notice. They started hollering out to which I ignored, of course, but when a couple of glass bottles landed only a few metres away, I thought it best to get my skates on. Fortunately that’s where it ended, but I suppose it could have been quite different.
- The other incident escalated very quickly. I had just witnessed a large dog, on a lead, do its business. The problem was the ‘gentleman’ with the dog decided to keep walking. As was part of my job, I asked the gent to clean it up. To cut a long story short, he became very abusive, started poking me with each point that he made and was just not being very rational. Luckily on this occasion, a neighbourhood warden was on hand.
The truth is, there are many jobs that can, at times, be confrontational and you can never be sure of how situations will develop. Then again, there are times where there is no instigation and an issue will still arise.
It’s in your and your employees’ interests to have GPS tracking for all workers that are out and about. You will have greater security and show better regard for your staff’s safety and your workers will have greater comfort from having this security in place.
Don’t hesitate, contact iHawk GPS now for a 30% discount for the first 3 months!
I look forward to seeing your comments! Thanks for reading, Brad & Team