How are you making a difference?
Sumillion Limited only look to employ staff that genuinely care about the world and everyone living in it.
This year we partnered with
Care4Calais is a volunteer run, resource-efficient charity delivering essential aid and support to refugees living in the worst conditions across Northern France and Belgium. Operating year round in Calais, their focus is to provide warm clothing, bedding, food and medical assistance to refugees in desperate need.
Sumillion don't donate money for recognition but it is still incredibly heart-warming when you receive such a nice message back after we donated....
"Dear David
Thank you so, so much for this amazingly generous donation, and please do pass on our thanks to all the staff of Sumillion. We are a small charity and this donation will make a significant difference to our work this winter. It could not come at a better time as we head into the cold months with the many concerns that raises. There are thousands of people sleeping rough across the many areas we visit, with no shelter from the elements and little hope to keep them going. Please do know that your donation will keep many people warm and uplifted, providing essentials such as winter boots, coats, hats and gloves, helping to take out hot tea and biscuits to warm hands and raise their spirits and providing small comforts such as cough syrup and paracetamol as colds set in."
Please take a look and consider either making a donation yourself or maybe actually volunteering for a few days or a week!
David Manners