How are you judging yourself?

How are you judging yourself?

Is your love and acceptance towards yourself?conditional?

Is it conditional upon you living up to your own standards?

Today, I want to invite you to be willing to love and accept yourself?now.

Not when you get a higher-paying job or a fitter body.

Not when you reach some “status” or “position”

Not when you figure out how to juggle mother/fatherhood, work and personal life seamlessly.

Not when you found your calling or when you do something more “meaningful”

But?now, right here at this moment.

There’s a trance of unworthiness that is embedded so deeply within us.

That I am only worthy IF I meet certain criteria.

When you constantly judge yourself for not being good enough, or for not having enough impact on the world, you are stuck in this loop of constantly wanting and doing more.

It is exhausting.

When you judge yourself, your inner wisdom has no room to arise.

Even if it did, you may be judging it as well.

Judgement doesn’t discriminate.

When you are so used to judging yourself, you may be judging your dreams, your calling and your interest as well.

So, start to gently let go of the grasp of self-judgement and start to accept yourself.

Accepting that today, I am not perfect?and?I am still lovable.

Accepting that today, I am enough?and?I can keep growing.

Accepting yourself doesn’t mean that you let go of all desire to improve or do something different.

Growth doesn’t always have to be driven by a sense of “lack” or fear of missing out.

It can come from a place of?“I am enough, and I am interested and curious to grow”

In fact, accepting yourself now has the wonderful side effect of accepting your dreams and calling too.

Acceptance doesn’t discriminate too.

With acceptance, you are able to listen within with much more clarity.

It offers an opportunity to invite more possibilities.

Even if where you are at is not 100% where you want to be, you can still offer love and acceptance to yourself.

That is the exact door that will continue to bring you closer to who you aspire to become.

When you offer unconditional acceptance toward yourself, you become more courageous.

You don’t have to keep up your so-called “success streaks” to be loved.

You develop more capacity to take risks because deep down, you know that you are loved even if you fail.

Want to be more courageous? Start by accepting yourself and not abandoning yourself.

Today, I invite you to tell yourself (you may even say it out loud):

I can choose to love and accept myself now.
Not when I achieve something more or be a different person.
I am enough, now.
From this place of Being, my growth is inevitable.

This, is the starting point of living a fulfilling and heart-centered life.

PS: If you resonate with this reflection and find it helpful, share this with your friends and family. It will be a gift to them! They can choose to subscribe to the upcoming newsletters?here.

PPS: I can support you to accept yourself and become more courageous through 1:1 coaching. If you want to start charting your fulfilling life,?apply for coaching here. I have 1 spot opening in August.


