How are you Innovating in 2018?

How are you Innovating in 2018?

What can you do to move your business to a higher level? Is there anything you could do today with the current state of technology.

Could application of smart technology at your workplace,

  1. Give you a competitive edge?
  2. Give you cost reductions?
  3. Give you risk reductions?
  4. Give you access to freed up resources?
  5. Give you back time?
  6. Give you peace of mind?
  7. Give you accelerated success?

We know it can.

This is mankind’s relentless pursuit of execution excellence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage and for very good Reasons. Instead of continuing down the beaten path of building rule based systems, you can now enhance them using AI and give your apps self learning capabilities. Sounds like science fiction? Well it is a current reality.

Instead of rebuilding or reconfiguring systems in a reactive mode, as business processes change and get challenged, your systems can truly become proactive because of their new learning abilities.

AI has very valid scenarios of application. Many enterprises have applied AI and have achieved some incredible outcomes.

Is this the right time for you to also embrace AI? And if so How best should you approach it?

Cloud has made it easy and efficient to access AI.

Machine learning has reached a point that, it is possible to train the machines with good quality, labelled, data sets and that their predictions can be ingenious and more accurate than humans.

NASA has a super computer that is flying around the globe (installed at the ISS) that is programmed to be autonomous.

We have been teaching machines specific things for a while now and boy they have learnt spectacularly well and are ready to serve us better in those specialised domains.

Some emerging areas of potential application of AI technology for many of our customers are in the natural language processing, real time translation, conversational, image/text and pattern recognition problem domains.

Areas where your ERP and backend systems hold a lot of historical LOB data is particularly good for applying AI. Good AI needs loads of data to train on.

jeylabs has implemented AI technology for internal use since mid 2015. We also partnered with reputable vendors since 2014 to bring AI technology to our customers.

We have implemented chat bots as interactive interfaces for our operational systems. We have a web bot, Skype bot and a Facebook messenger bot. I use them on a daily basis to find out status of workflow items, action tasks and kick off business processes.

We have leveraged sentiment analysis in our marketing and customer support systems. This allows us to keep tabs on our brand’s reputation.

We have enhanced our Accounts payable and Expense claims processes by using AI. It gives us more of exactly what I have called out process intelligence in the past.

The benefits realised by us are around, accurate data entry, better workflow routing, smart decision making and progressive improvements in recognising business activities and responding to them with far more insights than ever before.

Take a typical IT help desk for example, historic reporting on the trouble tickets will tell you that perhaps the most requested calls for assistance were password resets and account lock outs. This could be now handled completely by a simple chat session powered By a natural language processing AI engine.

It can free up your resources from repetitive, boring and mundane tasks. You now just have to manage things by exception. As an example, if there was a suspicious password reset query. It can be flagged and escalated for human intervention. The AI can also learn from that escalation.

A contract management system may be enhanced with AI capabilities to provide users with suggestions around contract negotiations, proactive monitoring of dependencies and also market intelligence.

How far can you take these solutions? It is completely up to you and your needs. But, you can and ought to start now.

We suggest you play to your strengths and the technology’s strengths.

For example, you can pick those scenarios where there is an opportunity to simplify and enhance your internal staff experiences with chat bots.

Use existing application development or modernisation projects as a way to dip your toe into the AI waters.

We also recommend that you look at a proof of concept first and deploy a pilot to get user feedback before jumping into a full blown program of works. That will be your next step.

Ok, Lets talk about some real and recent work we have been doing in this space. IXOM is a leading industrial chemical manufacturer based in Melbourne. jeylabs is their application development partner and we have jointly won the Nintex Customer Solution Innovation award in April 2018.

 jeylabs and IXOM have been experimenting the use of Chatbots within the context of the enterprise. At the Digital Workplace Conference being held this August in Melbourne, Gary Sasse of jeylabs and Rick Kukwa of IXOM will jointly share our learning around How Chatbots can enhance enterprise user experiences and why does it matter? 

This session will cover backend and process automation platform integration experience. You will see how the latest tech from Nintex and innovations by jeylabs such as conversational software bots, AI, NLP & ML, IVR being utilised within eForms, SAP and Enterprise Helpdesk scenarios to achieve incredible customer outcomes. Want free entry to this event? Go here and try your luck #DWCAU #software #userexperience #bot #award #ml #manufacturing #presenter #casestudies #ivr #processautomation #AI #NLP


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