How are you impacted by fear?
Norma Hollis, PhD
Trusted Authority on Authenticity-Based Leadership, Self-Awareness, and Organizational Development; Transformational Strategist for Individuals and Organizations; International Speaker/Trainer
Lately I have been thinking about how fast the year is going by. We are already in the middle and reflecting back on what has been happening, it seems that as a society, we are on a downward spiral.?
As if Coronavirus, George Floyd and Climate Change were not enough, we can now add war and the loss of abortion freedom to the list of things to worry about.?
Worrying about it is a choice of free will.?
Are you stumbling around the stress of the negative things going on, those things that lead you to live a fearful life? Or are you following the path of purpose??
The path of fear is the one that society seems to encourage for everyone. It’s the path of accepting the value that material wealth is the most important thing to obtain in life. Some see this as the purpose in life, as if your self-worth is tied to your pocketbook. On this path there are a great deal of distractions. The first is the fear of not having self-worth. If money is the barometer and you don’t have much, your self-worth suffers.?
From a societal perspective, a fine way to increase your chances of being on the fear path is to give you things to be fearful about – Coronavirus, Black Lives Matter, immigrants, increased violence, mass killings, inflation removal of human rights, war and so much more.?
Is this the path you are on, working at a job you do not like; making just enough money to survive but not thrive; doing the same thing day after day and liking it less; confused about what this planet is all about and how you fit in it??
Or maybe you have found the path of purpose.?
On this path you use your free will in a different way. Rather than allowing yourself to get caught up in material world values, you focus on how to make a positive difference in the world. The thoughts you think, the things you say and activities you take part in reflect your desire to find, live and share your purpose.?
It is your choice. When you do not make a conscious choice, you are following the path of fear. Being purposeful in your life is a deliberate decision. When you don’t consciously choose purpose and positivity, by default you end up with fear at the heart of your life and decisions.?
As we enter the second half of the year, expect to see messages from me that will give you guidance and confidence about accepting the path of purpose. If your goal is to make a difference in the world, there’s no better way to do it than with deliberate purpose.?