How Are You Holding Yourself Back?
Tony Crisp
Tony has worked at the vanguard of the personal development and self-help movement for more than fifty years.
What you deny in yourself, what you edit out of what you allow yourself to think and feel, is all part of how you might be holding back your own creativity, your own talents, and your own innate Secret.
Let us be clear about this. There are thousands of books on the market on how to succeed and become rich, or how to be a great lover or creative genius. Courses are run on the same subjects and to enter them you have to be rich anyway because they charge so much.
Mostly these are about techniques such as saying that to become rich you must save a percentage of what you earn, and then you must find ways make your money work for you, not you work for your money. Or to be a good partner or lover you must use sexual techniques, or learn to communicate with your partner honestly. You must learn to Make Love, not just do it.
Such instructions are fine and they may help you in some degree, but if you are all the time holding out on yourself, denying yourself, crushing your creativity, then you have less to bring to whatever else you do or try to achieve – or even what you have already achieved.
But The Secret is even a step beyond those things. Again, let us be clear about this even at the cost of repetition.
From the early 1940’s onwards new tools were used in psychotherapy. Such psychotropic agents such as Ritalin and Psilocybin were used to plumb the depths and heights of human awareness. Never before had researchers, psychologists and psychiatrists been able to peer into the human mind and emotions so clearly. It was like having an x-ray or scanner of the human psyche. Such books as Stanislav Grof’s work, Realms of the Human Unconscious, describe what was found.
What was uncovered was extraordinary. Grof summed up his years of clinical experience by saying, “There is at present little doubt in my mind that our current understanding of the universe, of the nature of reality, and particularly of human beings, is superficial, incorrect, and incomplete.”
It was seen that not only do each of us have an inbuilt power and drive toward our own transformation and self-realisation that is often blocked, but we have at our core the same power and potential that lies behind the emergence of our universe.
Perhaps that seems like an exaggeration. Maybe, but there are reasons why it appears like that. For one, the equipment you have is a big filter. Secondly, many of the other reasons have been explained above.
Taking the first – the equipment: consider for a few moments what life on this planet can do. It can fly, it can live under water, it can hibernate for months or years and then suddenly become active again. It can be incredibly small or amazingly big. It can express genius, cunning, aggression, love, great artistry, incredible memory and learning ability either as instinct or as learned skills. See
Okay, I could go on, but think about it. Fundamentally Life is innately the same in all the varied creatures suggested above. It is just the ‘equipment’ – the body form – that enables one or the other things that Life can do. Birds fly and fishes swim because of the physical equipment they have. But Life has infinite potential, only parts of which are expressed in its living creatures.
You have a body form that has a lot of built in deficiencies, but also immense possibilities. You can’t smell or hear nearly as acutely as many animals. Your sight could almost be considered as blindness measured against the spectrum of light. You are quite weak physically when put against a chimpanzee. BUT – you have an incredible talent. With your self awareness you can look into the way you function and you can re-program yourself and transform the heritage you have been left by evolution, education and culture. You have the ability to self direct, and not just be a product of old instinctive drives. You can access your potential and help it unfold – a limitless potential. Mind and imagination can leap beyond boundaries – as we have done by creating machines that fly and telephones. But there are boundaries within us to leap beyond too.
Staying with Question One
Finding out how you hold yourself back is so important you need to stay with it for some time. To help clarify the question – to look at it from a different viewpoint – I will use a tree as an analogy.
A tree grows from a seed that is, compared with the tree’s mature size, tiny. So do you. The sperm and ovum are minute.
Within the seed is the potential of the full grown tree, but many things can interfere with the complete unfolding and growth. A harsh climate, poor soil, attack by disease or an exterior force, overcrowding and insufficient light can all be causes of poor growth.
Are these factors in what holds back your own potential?
Let us take them in turn.
A harsh climate: What was your childhood situation and environment? Napoleon said that as the twig is bent so the tree grows. That is obviously true of human life. We know it only too well now from studies of the childhood and home environment of psychopaths and abusers. Hitler’s past abuse went back many generations.
Even if your childhood was good there may have been particular events that left marks and blockages. Sometimes things that may be thought of as inconsequential are important. A woman I worked with demonstrated to me two such things. In one she remembered herself as a child taking her first steps. She was holding a cup and fell. The cup broke and cut her lip badly. Her mother was upset and scolded her. The resulting impact was that she felt any independent activity toward independence was likely to be painful and end disastrously. Subtle but life shaping.
The second thing was that she became pregnant and did not feel she could raise the child. She did not want to have an abortion so decided to give the child for adoption at birth. When the time came she felt such connection with her baby that its loss was painful. She was given no counselling and returned home and started sobbing to release her pain. Her neighbour came in however and instead of supporting her release, urged her to stop crying. Seventeen years later in her work with me she released that pain. It had been blocking her flow of love and feelings all those years.
What are the events that have led to blocks in you? And what attitudes or lessons have those events led to?
Need to make it very clear that success, sexual and loving ability, self-ease, all come from allowing oneself to emerge. Whatever success one has is only a fraction of what can be done if you are not fully grown.
What Pavlovian – conditioned responses do I have, and what set them in place? What feelings or images of fear or repugnance do they trigger? So as I look at this nightmare scenario – these nightmare images – I recognise them for what they are and pass through them, seeing, as it were, the projectors that produce the images. I can see that the is images project from some of one’s most profound childhood terrors. They can erupt all those old feelings about such things as their, torture, abandonment, sex. And I look into these images to see what lies behind the outer form.
Now I think I switch channels and have a sense of myself from which I say, “I am much older than my years, for I have drawn up on the wisdom of my ancestors and their experience. And I have not seen their wisdom as if these were laws and taboos to be laid in place for ever. I see them as things to be understood and venerated has great wisdom relating to their time and their circumstances. I see their wisdom and something to be taken and re-evaluated in terms of what is needful in today’s world. In this way I sit amongst you as an elder who is older than my years.
I have knelt at the alter of my ancestors and learned their wisdom. But I have also knelt at the alter the ancestors of other tribes and peoples and learned of their wisdom too. In this way I have been enlarged.
Today, enlightenment requires a lot more than it did in the past. In the past people were a part of a tradition. They were sheltered by it, enriched by it, and expressed it in their enlightenment. Often the culture around them supported what they were doing and the direction they were taking. Today’s enlightened person is in a different league. They have, if they have truly reached that point, integrated all the great traditions of the past. They have felt their essence and are a part of the essence. That essence lives in them. They are not particularly Jewish or Christian, but they are, at the same time, deeply Jewish, or Christian, Muslim or Buddhist. They are a Zen monk. They are a native American warrior or squaw. They are all of those things, and that means they are moving beyond what’s there was in the past. Yet it is the same wonderful ancient way, moving beyond forms, traversing the formless, melting back into the origin of things. This is a very strange place to be because there is nowhere to go. There is nowhere that I am not. Yet I am still this skeleton. I am still this old man, this Tony, with his penis and balls. I am still that. I still have arms to hold you with. I am still that. I still have eyes to look at you through. Why should that not be so? See Enlightenment |
Spirituality, in its best form does not mean unworldliness. It means the insight into the world. It means being more fully a part of it, creatively being a part of it. It means being in possession of who you are, your being, your possibilities, you’re outreach. The spiritual path means not being afraid. It means daring to experience, not simply for the sake of experiencing, not simply having a screw for the sensation of it, but in a way to look at and digest what you experience. It means seeing what the experience means, what it holds in it and what part has in the scheme of things.
Then there is the spirit – the spirit. That is represented in each culture by the core of the national religion. That is always, in each culture, a doorway to go going beyond. In each culture, religion is a doorway enabling us to go beyond forms. It enables us to go beyond all that has existed in the influences of our life. It opens the doorway to touch something that stands beyond – beyond the beyond. And if we can bring something of that back into our everyday life, we are a genius. We are a genius of life. We are a genius of creativity. We are a genius of love. We are a genius of being a mother or father. We bring, by touching what stands beyond, something new into being. It is ever, ever, new.
We cannot take out the treasure we have been bequeathed if we are not willing to meet our mother and father, if we cannot find our way through old angers and hates, and pains. If we cannot see beyond the limitations on weaknesses of our times; if we cannot tap the enormous cultural heritage that has been given us; if we cannot reach beyond that into the spirit of things, then we cannot inherit that vast treasure we have inherited. If a person cannot do that then they cannot bring that treasure to awareness; they will never know the details of it. But to know it is there, to honor it, is important.
For instance one could start with something like, “What age are you? What biological age are you? What psychological age are you?”
This could continue with the questions such as, “in what way are our those things influencing any relationship you are in or your ability to relate? What are the dynamics of that?
[i] The day of Friday the Thirteenth, 1307, which began so uneventfully, was the beginning of one of the world’s most enduring mysteries, and one of its greatest tragedies. On that morning, Philippe le Bel, the King of France, in collusion with the Pope, gave orders for the arrest of over one hundred knights of the Order of the Temple, on charges of heresy. Over the next seven years, dozens were tortured, tried, and executed. Many more were imprisoned. The Grand Master of the order, Jacques De Molay, was broken and burned at the stake.
[ii] Steve Biko was an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa in the 1960s and early 1970s. A student leader, he later founded the Black Consciousness Movement which would empower and mobilize much of the urban black population.
[iii] A Boston Globe cartoon shows two bosses in a fancy office saying to three workers: “Why should you have a minimum wage? We don’t have a maximum wage.”
From the end of the 1970’s till the end of the 1990’s the income level of the lowest fifth of workers in the US fell from 9300 to 8700. The middle earning rose from 31,000 to 33,200. The highest earners rose from 256,000 to 644,000 in the same period. Also the length of life, health and opportunity within those groups also reflected their income. So the children of those at the highest level were much more likely to live longer and be rich in adulthood than those at lower income levels.
That, I am sure, constitutes a class system in the US, producing many of the inequalities we saw in work opportunity, personal well being, and wealth in the past. In the UK it is called class. In the US the same thing is called – money; wealth!
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6Christine Campbell, John Hodgson and 4 others