How is it that you are hiding from all the successes you know are possible?

How is it that you are hiding from all the successes you know are possible?

Sometimes life just gets dark and hard, with little vibrating hope. What is one to do? More sleep? Less sugar? Increased exercise? Positive affirmations? Talk with someone who can help – who understands you are in a hole a little bigger than you can see out of??

Yes. Yes and 4 more yeses. However, when you can’t get to the first answer easily, there are opportunities to do things as differently as possible from your norm. Shake it up. Do something you have never done before and see how you react. Move your kitchen garbage can to the other side of the kitchen for one week and see how frustrated you get (even angry) at how habitual you have become.

Enlightenment and change come from allowing yourself to be wrong. “I am totally in judgment and ridicule right now of me and am going to shake this stuff off, right here and right now”. Admitting your crud goes a very long way to shifting and changing. “Yes, I am totally lost and am willing to be found”. Let me state that being in this place of willingness, even when you don’t know the next steps, is the most powerful place you can be. Make the choice for you. Huge successful outcomes are waiting for you.

May I help?    [email protected]

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