how are you good to bad?

how are you good to bad?

Whether you think you are good or you think you are bad - you are right!

There is nothing such as “good to bad” or vice versa; what you think and do, make you!

It is, however, a different matter what you think or how you think” which has a direct bearing on what you do.

Thinking “what can be a better possibility could result in better outcome,” and hence it can be called, “good.”

So, by changing your thinking you can try and change a situation from bad to good. On the other hand, if you do things without applying your mind, you could even push a possible good situation to bad.

Now, if your question is whether “man is good or bad” by nature, the answer is man is good at heart. The material with which man is made, is goodness! You cannot find a bad infant’ can you?!

All bad qualities are, hence “Learned habits,” they don’t come into you when you are born!

Again, you don’t learn good habits because you don’t think how to be good and hence you follow bad habits and do bad things!

“Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future!” so wrote Oscar Wilde in 1893 meaning that every man has elements of good and bad, but his behavior, attitudes and actions can be modified through right thinking!


