How Are You Driving Traffic?
Brandon Cauble
"There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going." "Loyalty is not what you do when I am around, it's what you do when I can't see you."
In today's digital age how are you driving traffic to your showroom? Although this article shows an automobile showroom this apply's to any and all businesses. Are you still using the age old direct mail and newspaper tactic? Or maybe you use TV commercials and late night infomercials? If you are using these time proven forms of advertising are they working like they used to? Let me give you a few statistics that may actually open your eyes to a few things you just may be surprised to learn.
Let's start with TV. Did you know that 81% of Americans have a DVR, Netflix or some other form of ON Demand subscription? I mean I myself have Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, Vudu, and direct TV with which I DVR my shows or binge watch at my leisure. By the statics I have found, I feel safe in saying you probably have all or some of these subscriptions as well. You know the one thing all of those avenues have in common? Little to no commercials and in most cases the ability to fast forward through them. That being said, the "stats" say that of the 81% who have these subscriptions, over 80% of them pre-record their shows and fast forward the commercials? Knowing that, how effective do you think TV is in today's market? What exactly is your ROI and is it really measurable with TV anymore?
Now let's talk about print, did you know that 80% of the people under the age of 54 do not read the newspaper? Polls have shown that 80% get their news online and 88% of millennial's get theirs on Social Media. The polls even show that in some cases 54% of people who do still read the newspaper, read it online. So if your target market is people over 54, then it's safe to say the newspaper is still a pretty viable form of reaching your audience. However, if your target market is younger than that it would appear that dollars are better spent on the 80% under 54 right?
No matter how we look at it we are definitely moving into a digital world and at a rapid pace. YouTube has over 1 billion users and those users stream over 1 billion hours of video every 24 hours. Google claims for one person to rack up that many hours they would have to find a stream that is a 100,000 years long. Facebook has over 2 billion active users in 2018 and the users spend an average of 135 minutes a day on it! That's over two hours, think about that. People are more apt to watch a video than read print unless it's on their Facebook timeline or in blog form.
All of these statistics are actually interesting to know. So, now that you know all of these things that I just shared let me ask you again... How are you driving traffic to your showroom? Or maybe I should ask how are you spending your ad budget? Now that you know the statistics will this change the way you spend your ad dollars? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading...
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