How are you {doing} being?
Claire van den Bosch MA (Oxf), PG Dip Couns., UKCP
Day 2 – “Get curious”
On the second day of this series, we’re building on the clarity you started to create yesterday “mapping your triangle”. What was it like, reading the blog and completing that exercise? Did it feel good to get clearer? More clarity can often feel like a relief. Was it uncomfortable in some way? That’s also very normal, and often necessary before change can happen. I’d love to hear your reflections in the Comments.
Today we’re going to build on this initial clarity with some moment-to-moment curiosity throughout the day. Basically, this will be a simple focused application of the best of the mindfulness tradition.
If you’re not already familiar with mindfulness practices, you might want to support yourself by using your smartphone to remind you once an hour for the rest of the day. The idea is simply to pause repeatedly throughout the day and bring your attention to what’s just been happening in your “internal family” in the last hour.
Not everything that’s been happening (that would require a lot of effort from your Manager parts!), but just what stands out clearly as Manager activity, Firefighter activity, and Exile experience.
I’ve created the attached worksheet to support you with this, but you can do it in your head, in a list on your smartphone, or on a scrap of paper in your notebook.
You could even use the Comments section to share what you notice.
Good luck and see you tomorrow!