How are you {doing} being?
Claire van den Bosch MA (Oxf), PG Dip Couns., UKCP
Day 1 - "Get clear"
Most change starts with awareness, or to use IFS language, clarity. This is why mindfulness is such an essential practice – learning to notice what’s true with increasing clarity. So, Tip 1 is “Get clear”.
Part 1: “Get clear” for managers, CEOs and business owners
a.????? Experiment with using the “IFS Triangle” on Worksheet 1 to reflect on your organisation.
b.????? Encourage employees (that’s you too!) to use Worksheet 2, maybe even twice. Once for their own awareness, and a second version to share anonymously with the organisation to increase your clarity.
Part 2: “Get clear” for individuals (and to managers, CEOS, and business owners: remember you’re one of these too!)
a.????? Try out using Worksheet 2 to get clear about how your “internal family system” is experiencing and coping with work-related stress and distress.
Share your reflections, questions and insights in the Comments!