"How You Doin`?" Do you want to be a Top Innovator?
Can you imagine? You are sitting in a Viennese coffee house and your ?Friends“ are coming. You are speaking about the challenging time in the insurance industry and you motivate your ?Friends“ to see the chance to create a better solution with your digital approach.
What can be so special? If we check the "3 trillion Embedded Insurance market opportunity" and the exponentional developing of technology, we can create a better future, where the client don`t buy an insurance policy but they buy a furniture and the risk is covered automaticaly. This is possible now! The technology helps us to be efficient, user friendly and create higher revenue in your P&L.
My morning question today ?What is something that nobody wants, but everybody needs?“ Of course, to secure our valuables. I think, Embedded Insurance is a great opportunity to include something into the purchase process, that will not be pushed to clients.
This amazing topic, we will discuss at #MOI Innovation Day with insurers, banks and telcom companies.
New Guests and New Friends are coming to our Insurance Community from Banks and Telcoms. We create the future of ?embedded excellence“ together!
?I'll be there for you“ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-9kPks0IfE
We will show for our New Friends #MOI Highlights and our How You Doin`? moments
- Motto ?Embedded Excellence Drives Innovation“
- #10Y anniversary with Party
- #10 Ex-MOI Speaker Pitching
- #10 #MOI Talent Pitching "pitch like a startup, even if you aren`t" Do you remember Talents 2021 with our "SING, SING INSURANCE" community song? HERE
- #10 #MOI Startup Pitching
- #MOI Award ceremony
- #EFS Experience Room
- Opening Kids Dance
- Amazing Keynotes, Panel discussions & Workshop
- New Venue ?Palais Berg“
- Part of #ViennaUp
- Vienna Sightseeing with Michael
- Sofi caricature @ Co.
See you by #MOI2024 in Vienna on 04-05 jun 2024 and drink a coffee better say, champagne with us!
But if you want to have a WarmUp to #MOI, welcome to EFS Innovation Radar in Vienna with my Keynote (german) ?Wie branchenübergreifende Kollaboration zu Innovation führt?“
Here you can find the registration https://efs.consulting/insight/efs-innovation-radar/
Do you know, that I`m supporting young professionals to get high-level knowledge and to ?love“ the insurance industry?
Claudia is a motivated, open-minded insurance Talent, who want to train not only her ?muscle but also her brain“ HERE
Our #InTa Innovation Network is a Digital Meeting point for insurance innovation enthusiasts. Are you ready to join our next Digital Lounge with Trends of ?Sales & Marketing“? 21st May 2024 10.00-12.00 am/CEST