How You Do Anything, an ODE to Mitchell Friedman
How you do anything is how you do everything. I love that philosophy. It jibes with my own belief that all work, all effort, is significant. I was taught that even if your job is mopping the floor, you mop that floor with pride.
Mitchell here is another dear friend who I've had the pleasure of getting to know better through the process of ODE. Mitchell, you are wise, brilliant, and loving and I cherish our friendship.
Get to know this man, and your life will be enriched. Like me, a product of Long Island. New Yorkers make for the best Californians in my opinion because we can appreciate the opportunity here. We can compare and contrast the land of hustle with the land of dreams. Together, the two mindsets, hard work and big dreams, yields for a rewarding and enriching life.
Thanks for that reminder Mitchell. I wish I was an undergraduate in one of your classes. Your students and clients are lucky to have you.