How you do anything is how you do everything
Julie Perret
Teacher of Truth - empowering you to heal naturally eliminate inflammation & heal. Healed from - Rheumatoid Arthritis, Iritis, Crowns - 10 years
How you do anything is how you do everything!
Where in your life you overcommit?
Where in your life you commit less then you could?
See it is how we do anything we do everything, doesn’t matter what it is, can be that you are often late , can be that you book appointment and forget to show up or forget to call the person and say sorry I can’t make it today. Can be you commit at work to do more then you could do, because you are afraid to say “NO”, can be that you commit at home to do more then you can handle.
Multitasking is a myth if you do multitask, I suggest you change your habit. Long term of multitasking is only going to deprive you from energy and make you angry, tired and frustrated. Your frontal lobe can’t focus on two things at the same time and to them properly.
What I learned from my coach that changed my life?is to do one thing at the time. This way you will invest your energy wisely you are not going to spend or waste your energy and overcommitting or under committing to things.
Here is what you can do
First – you need to make a list what is your high priorities in life. Something that only you can do and no one else , something that you do simultaneously and no one needs to remind you.?Anything else you delegate.
See it is not about the time, we have the same amount of the time each day, but that’s about how you invest your precious energy in creating what you want to create. If you are doing things that drain you out of energy you will feel depleted and tired, not motivated and you will procrastinate you can’t be in your zone of genius.
We all have our own zone of genius that we?excel in.
There is three parts of our brain I’m not going to go into depth of it. But your Amygdala it is your emotional brain?it has been known as a part of brain that drives fight or flight response, especially when we experience the emotions of fear , the Amygdala release stress hormones to your body to prepare for fight or flight response it seeks and avoids.?Your Amygdala shuts your prefrontal cortex, your executive brain that occupies 40% of your brain your reasoning process in order to take over a certain situation. This all goes to our ancestors when they had to escape or fight predators which doesn’t apply in our life anymore.
This just for you do have better understanding.
?Why are you telling me all of this ? what it has to do with multitasking and commitment you ask ?
Here is the thing. Your mind controls your brain. So, when you know how to ask questions that put your mind in balance you change the perception of the situation, and you start to see what you haven’t seen before.
So, before you might have thought that only you can do everything, because you are afraid to delegate you want to be in control even if it doesn’t serve you in the way you want it to be. When you ask yourself questions you always can change your perceptions and your beliefs about the situation.
?It is very common in corporate working environment. We want to be loved, apricated?and recognized so we take on our plate everything everyone asks us to do , we are just so afraid to say NO .
Yes , you can do it for certain period of time, but our body is not designed to stay in fight or flight mode for a long period of time. The results of this is energy depletion, frustration, anger and most of the time looking for another job trying to find better which in reality doesn’t exist.
You create your reality and your life, so you need to know how to say NO even if you are not going to be likable, you will always find your people if you stay authentic to yourself.
If you run your business, you need to do things that no one else can do if you are in your zone of genius your business is going to flourish.
I used to work for 20 years as accounts admin, when I started my coaching practice, I hired accountant because just a thought of it, that I have to deal with bills and taxes makes me feel frustrated. It is not on my high values list what I love doing. I even have a guy who comes to mow my loan, because it is not on the list of my high value priority things, instead I use my energies to write article or record podcast or create new conversations for my coaching practice.?
I drained so much of my energies when I was working in corporates.
First - I didn’t like what I was doing, because It was my conditioning and I didn’t believe I can do something else.
Second - I burned out every time trying to multitask and never saying NO, every time it ended up in frustrating and leaving the company in hope to find a better one, so during?10 years I changed 6 of them and it was the same everywhere. I also made myself fired twice because I was hating what I was doing.
This is the cultural problem in corporates in general. Not understanding how your mind, brain and body connects, not understanding how to hire people according to their highest values in life.
The common mistake most people do is, we focus on money and blame money for not having enough money to hire right people or more people to pay them more, for me the truth is in my experience, it is never about the money. Money is just the tool for individuals and the companies to achieve their goals, money is expression of your creativity, and no one can be creative in fight or flight stress response, you just shut down your reasoning prefrontal cortex and also your thinking.
When you hire people based on their highest values in life you don’t need to control them, they will do what they need to do simultaneously, the productivity will be much higher?the company would earn more money and can pay their employees more. If you do one thing at the time and you slow down before you speed up, you will achieve your goals with ease.
?Your mind is very smart and intelligent, and it only can be in zone of genius when mind is balanced at peace and calm.
A lot of companies have this thing called work life balance or wellbeing sort of things. In my experience it is just a cover to tick the box, we like to tick boxes and to say it is done and say we do care about wellbeing of our employees but reality is different.
Understand that buying box of fruits for your employees every day is not going to make them happier and healthier, the best investment you can do is to invest in your mind . As a leader you can only change the culture for better, when you first understand yourself and the connection between your mind, brain and body then you can understand thinking and behavior of your employees and then you can think what you can do to make it better.
?Possibilities and opportunities are infinite if we change our perceptions and willing to face our emotions of fears, resistance, shame , doubt , regret , overwhelming, anxiety, unworthiness, lack self -pity few to name…….
One thing to remember emotions are energies, our brain memorizes the emotions and is sending chemicals to our body. Every cell in your body has it’s brain and if brain?memorized too many negative emotions your body cells can’t function, and this is why we have so many unexplained allergies, cancers, depressions, suicides but I will leave this for another time to talk about.
I’m going to leave you with story from Warren Buffet, my coach shared this story with me,?and I want to share it with you I love it and it might help you and give you the insight.
Warren Buffet joking to his pilot that he wasn’t doing his job because he has been working for him too long. He offered to help him to go after more of his goals and dreams.
Buffet asked the pilot to list the 25 things most important things he wanted to do in his life. And then he asked him to review each goal and choose?5 most important ones. Things got interesting when Buffet asked him “ What about this 20 other things you have on the list that you didn’t circle ?” and pilot answered he would focus mainly on his top 5 goals but work on the others when he had spare time with just as much dedication.
And that was the moment when Buffet got serious
He said “You have got it wrong. Everything you didn’t circle just become your avoid at all cost list “ No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you have succeeded with your five top”
So, what is in your bucket list that you are avoiding doing?
What did you committed to but you avoid doing it??
How we do anything is how we do everything, you need to stay in your zone of genius what is the highest value in your life , what you love doing and you do it simultaneously and delegate the rest, start with your business and then do it at home as well.
Do energy audit every week write down what energies you and what drains you out of energy and give things that drain you out of energy to someone else who is good at it and would love doing it and having responsibility.
visit my website and book free 15-20 min consultation, if you want to know more about how to live a happy and fulfilled, how to tap into your untapped potential because there is so much to be discovered, how to go beyond your Upper Limited.
#business #leadership #happinessatwork #job #life #worklifebalance #health #mindsetcoach