How Are You Creating And Spending Your Energy?
Ally Gordon
Performance Coach & Life Strategist for C-Suite / Business Owners and Senior Executives. 20+ years creating, scaling & leading 55+ hospitality businesses.
Imagine that we wake up every day with a finite amount of energy.
We have a choice to top up or reduce that energy.
If you looked at your life right now, how are you giving away or reducing that energy?
And if you looked at how you were giving yourself energy??
To make real change in our lives and to live a life that is fulfilled, successful and happy, having the right kind of positive energy around and in us is vital
Every human being has 24 hours in a day, sometimes you can look around and wonder if some people just seem to have more hours in the day, they seem to be doing more, achieving more, whilst being happier and?having lots of energy for the rest of their life and others.
They don’t have more hours than anyone else, they just choose to not dwell on what others think and past mistakes, they own their days, they exercise, have positive habits, read, watch and listen to people that can help them grow, they know where they are going and have clear goals and actions in place.
Is it time to have an energy audit in your life?