How You Can Save $300,000 Right Now!
That's a lot of money.
What if you could save $300,000 right now, would that change your whole outlook on life? Would that take away massive amounts of stress and anxiety?
Research has shown that 50% of marriages fail because of financial stress.
So what if you could save $300,000??
Would that help your relationship?
How I Discovered this Secret?
Before I tell you how to save $300,000, I think it's important you know how I discovered this secret first.
After all, it's not everyday that someone comes on social media and says, "Would you like to save three hundred grand?"
If you're not following me on social media, my name is Doc. And I'm a former teacher, principal, superintendent turned entrepreneur. I launched my first startup in 2013, called the Education Development Institute. And that's an education think tank that does academic research as well as consulting for schools and businesses that want to transform into 21st century environments.
While doing research at the Institute, I stumbled upon the data and evidence that proved why a 21st century skills curriculum is worth more than the current K12 system. Not just a little more, but a lot more.
That research led me to the decision to launch my second startup, Leaf Academy, in 2020. Leaf Academy is going to be the world's first online 21st century school.
But how do you build an online 21st century school?
It turns out the answer to this question, is also the answer to how to save $300,000.
Why People Waste $300,000 for No Good Reason?
I decided to publish this article on LinkedIn because you're the audience that wastes $300,000 for no good reason. This isn't an "everyone" problem. This is a YOU problem.
And when I say YOU, I'm talking about:
In other words, the people who use LinkedIn more than anyone else.
The fact is that LinkedIn users are the most educated and most successful people in America. This isn't Twitter, this isn't Instagram and this isn't TikTok. This is LinkedIn--and the people on this platform are not dumb or stupid.
But just because you have a higher IQ than everyone else--doesn't automatically mean you make great decisions. And that's why I wanted to publish this article here and not another social media platform.
Want to Save $300,000??
So I've kept you in suspense long enough, so here's the answer to the question.
Is that answer confusing to you?
What do I mean, "College?"
The answer is college. College is the reason you're wasting $300,000. College is the reason why you're in financial distress. College is the reason why 50% of marriages are failing.
College is the problem.
So What's the Solution?
Let me be clear, I have a bachelor's degree from Brandeis University. And I have a Master's Degree from Montclair State University. Heck, I also have a certificate from NYU's film program.
So I'm not preaching that college is bad. What I'm trying to tell you is that college is "too expensive" for the value they provide in the 21st century. And the issue is that colleges have zero incentive to lower tuition costs.
And the more people "feed into" that logic--the higher tuition costs will go.
Right now, Harvard University just announced their tuition for 2024 and it's over $75,000 per year.
Want to do the math with me?
And if you're saying, "but I'm not going to Harvard!"
Think again.
Tuition at Public Universities is now $30,000 per year.
And in 10 years that number will be closer to $50,000 a year.
$50,000 x 4 yrs = $200,000
This is one of the reasons I launched Leaf Academy.
Leaf Academy is going to be the world's first online 21st century school. And I know I have a long way to go to get there, but you have to start somewhere. And this is my beginning move.
If you want to save $300,000, THEN you need a viable alternative to college.
That means, you need a piece of paper that proves you know MORE than what college teaches, so that employers can trust you're not a F*ck Up!
I know how this game works.
The Young Entrepreneur Program
The first 21st century education program Leaf Academy is launching is called the Young Entrepreneur Program. This program is designed for people under 30, who want to save $300,000 and not waste it on college or take out a massive college loan--that they know they will NEVER be able to pay off.
If you're not sure if you fit into that category, see if these questions resonate with you:
If these questions resonate with you - then YOU are the person that needs to save $300,000 and listen to what I'm going to tell you.
The cold hard truth is college will not answer any of these questions for you. In fact, MBA programs won't answer these questions either. I know, "how pathetic?"
So why then do colleges charge so much for a degree that doesn't teach you what you need to know or even WANT TO KNOW??
And the answer is "prestige!"
Sorry to say it, but you're not paying for a 21st century education anymore. You're simply paying for prestige. Now, I don't know about you, but that's ridiculous. A college degree shouldn't be the same thing as buying a pair of Jordan sneakers or a Birkan bag.
I mean, come on?? Right?
When did college become a designer brand?
Isn't college supposed to be about education, about knowledge and about helping you succeed in life?
That might have been true in the 20th century, but it's far from true in the 21st century.
What Will You Learn in the Young Entrepreneur Program?
As I said, I'm a former teacher, principal and superintendent turned entrepreneur. But what you might not know is that I was the first school superintendent in the world to research and develop a 21st century skills curriculum back in 2011. And in 2020, researchers from Georgetown University analyzed the entire US labor market and proved that the curriculum I developed over a decade ago should be the foundation for all school curriculum going forward.
But guess what?
No one listened.
And because the academic elite have decided to stick their heads in the sand, you're throwing $300,000 a way on a piece of paper that is NO LONGER WORTH THAT!!
So here's what you will learn inside the Young Entrepreneur Program:
Compare that to your high school diploma. Did you learn these answers in High School?
Did you learn how to develop a product, an online store, how to market or sell anything in order to make money?? And the answer is NO, you didn't.
But that's high school--right? After all, everyone knows high school is a waste of time.
But college isn't a waste of time, right?
So, did you learn these things in college?
And that's the problem.
High school might have been a huge waste of time, but it was free. On the other hand, college is not free. The fact is you're paying for every college course you take. Therefore, shouldn't colleges teach you what you need to know?
And you know that's true.
Therefore the Young Entrepreneur program is worth the same $300,000. In fact, it might be worth more than that, since the Young Entrepreneur program will teach you how to build 1, 2 or more revenue streams.
Here's the Best Part
When you finish the program, you will have a working revenue stream up and running. That's right, when you finish the Young Entrepreneur Program, you will have one revenue stream that you can use to start making money the day after you finish the program.
I need to pre-warn you. This is going to take work and effort.
I'm a real educator. I don't know anything about "get rich, quick schemes"
I'm not an overnight success and so I don't preach overnight success to you.
But if you join this program, you will learn how to start making money online and you will have at least one working revenue stream when you're done.
Want to Know More?
I hope you're just as excited as I am for this brand new and groundbreaking program. The Young Entrepreneur program will show the world what a 21st century education actually looks like.
I broke this program into two phases:
When you join the program, you will first take entrepreneurial classes. That's going to look similar to what you did in high school. The classes are not tough to understand, but there's a lot you need to learn.
Unfortunately, I need to go back and teach you everything high school refused to teach you.
So that's phase one.
And then phase two is the workshop. Based on my 20 years of experience and academic research, people learn more when they take a class and then they are shown how to convert that new knowledge into hands-on real world experience.
And that's what you will do inside the workshop. You will take the new entrepreneurial skills you learned in class and you will apply those skills into hands-on projects.
That means, in the workshop you will:
Like I said, this isn't going to turn you into an overnight success, but if you put in the work and effort, you could make enough money to pay back the tuition of the course in one week or one month after you finish.
Imagine if you could make back your college tuition in one week or one month after you received your diploma?? Would college become worth it again?
And the answer is YES!!
That's the problem.
The college degree is no longer worth $300,000! Sorry Harvard, but you're not worth it anymore!
If you want to learn more, join the waiting list here.
You have to join the waiting list because this program isn't ready for launch yet. I still have some finishing touches I need to do, but if you don't want to miss the alert--then join the waiting list.
I've been promoting this groundbreaking program for about a week now and there are already a couple hundred people signed up. All you have to do is submit your email. I'm not asking for your name, your location or any other personal information. This is very simple. If you want more information about this groundbreaking program--submit your email and you will get an alert when this program is ready to launch.
That sounds fair right?