How You Can Be Part of Our Popular Property and Wealth Advice Feature
Our Property & Wealth Advice feature is coming up! Publishing within our March issue for the North East on 9th February this feature will help our readers find trusted brands to source great advice as we begin 2023. If you’d like to share your expert advice as a part of this feature, we can’t wait to hear from you! Email [email protected] to find out more.?
Our readership provides unprecedented B2C exposure to our affluent, discerning audience. Our readers often have private wealth to manage and a vested interest in the property, investment and financial markets. We have a range of opportunities to engage with this otherwise hard-to-reach audience, from the chance to offer expert advice and guidance to sponsorship for market leaders in the region.
All advertisers within the feature will be included in our editorial content. Options include our popular ‘Property Peek’ feature (example: See Inside This Magnificent Multimillion Pound Home in One of Leeds' Most Sought-After Locations), social media coverage or online coverage available to our collective 151,500 digital followers. A consultation with our team will help select what works best to support your brand.
Living North’s readership is in surplus of 70,000 for each issue and our Property & Wealth Advice feature will be published as an integral part of our March issue with a print run of over 15,500 copies.
We have put together a number of packages to help get your message and brand across to our loyal readers:
Double page spread: £950
? Our expert design team can work with you to create your Double Page Spread advert.
? Editorial inclusion alongside your advert.
? Your editorial included as part of our online Property & Wealth section and promoted as part of our online content.
Full page package: £595
? Our expert design team can work with you to create your Full Page advert.
? Editorial inclusion alongside your advert.
? Your editorial included as part of our online Property & Wealth section and promoted as part of our online content.
Half page package: £375
? Our expert design team can work with you to create your Half Page advert.
? An editorial mention alongside your advert, and inclusion in our online Property & Wealth content.
Advertorial and sponsorship opportunities are also available, please call for a consultation. Note, the above prices do not include VAT and if you’d like to discuss pricing please get in touch.?
Our deadline for all Property and Wealth bookings is 30th January. Call 0191 261 8944 or email [email protected] to secure your space.