How You Can Make A Difference, This Thanksgiving!
“The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us.” ~Terri Marshall
“May you be overcome with joy and gratitude this Thanksgiving Holiday.” ~Tracy Diamond Denson
The Holidays are upon us. It's November. November brings us “Thanksgiving.” Thankfulness and Gratefulness will find you Happiness. Be intentional and take some time to reflect on what you are thankful and grateful for and share with family, loved ones, and friends how grateful you are for them and the things that you have shared throughout the year. Family togetherness is such an invigorating time, enjoying the festivities, laughter, storytelling, and appreciation for what you have and anticipate coming. I understand for some this is the most joyous time of the year, yet for others this may be a very difficult and lonely time of the year. If this is you (or someone you know), I’ve got a few inspirations that can help.
Gratitude Will Help You Connect To Something Larger Than Yourself.
God has created us to be interdependent. It is impossible to live life without others. We need people and people need us. It’s a beautiful experience to walk the journey of life with others. Maintain, nurture, and be intentional with your close friends and inner circle. HOWEVER– Keep in mind - every person is as significant and valued as the people you consider most important and valuable. So wherever you are in this season, how can you reach out and love others, especially those that are alone or lonely? How can you enrich others by reaching out and lifting their spirits? Someone may need your relationship more than ever this holiday season. Take the initiative and spread some love and gratitude toward someone and brighten their day. There is no time like the present to be grateful and share some gratitude. As a result, GRATITUDE will help you connect to something larger than yourself as an individual. Life choices, what will you choose?
What Adjustments Can You Make?
On the other side of this spectrum, if you find that you are heavy-laden and downcast during this Thanksgiving, what adjustments can you make that would benefit you with a meaningful and purposeful impact on yourself and someone else? How might you change your attitude towards yourself and choose to see this time as an opportunity? When you serve others, you can start to gain a greater appreciation of how many blessings you have in your own life. That can increase your gratitude. Take a moment to think about different people, from family members, community, co-workers and neighbors. Think about people that might have a recent life event that may have left them feeling isolated and alone. What can you do? How can you make a difference? How can you help and inspire them while being inspired by them during this holiday? Do something nice that would help lift your spirit and theirs. You can make miracles every day, no matter how small. Learn to recognize people’s needs and pain; you may be the answer they seek. Life choices, what will you choose?
What Are the Opportunities Before You?
How might you open your eyes and your heart this Thanksgiving and look around, you will see possibilities that can turn into opportunities for you to make a difference in someone else’s life this Thanksgiving. Opportunity comes your way to serve others by doing vital things which will make an everlasting impact in their lives and in the world in which you live. What better time than now to do small deeds and bring a smile to somebody’s heart. The more you see opportunities to connect, help, and serve others, the fuller your life can become. Take this time to let someone know how thankful you are for them. How they impacted your life for the better. Thank someone for investing in you, for loving and caring for you in spite of, for supporting you. Thanksgiving comes once a year, however, being thankful and grateful is a life-style choice; make it yours on a regular basis. Life choices, what will you choose?
Enjoy This Thanksgiving Holiday
So, where are you in all of this? How are you feeling? What are your plans? What are you excited about? Who will you surround yourself with? What are you anticipating this Thanksgiving? Does this seem overwhelming? Are you being challenged with loneliness? Are you low-spirited and heartbroken this holiday season? How is sadness attempting to take up space in your heart and mind? Think about what you are thinking about, because what you think about expands. This is YOUR LIFE. You Have a Choice! This Thanksgiving, give yourself PERMISSION and make the choice to "Change the Narrative and pivot!" Thought is the vital force behind all change! What shifts will you make that will allow you to do that and truly enjoy this Thanksgiving Holiday? Life choices, what will you choose?
If you're among those fortunate enough to spend the holiday season with the ones you love, consider yourself very blessed. Nevertheless, please think about others who aren't as fortunate. It could happen to any of us, as you may not know the story of someone’s life that led them to where they are during this Thanksgiving Holiday.
In the meantime, enjoy your family, loved ones, and friend’s every day and even more during the blissful holidays, take nothing for granted. Reach out and touch someone else in a very special way and make a conscious and intentional decision to serve and help someone else, you’ll be helping yourself too in the process. Life choices, what will you choose?
Feel free to comment, I would love to hear what your plans are for this Thanksgiving.
PS. Happy Thanksgiving.
Best Wishes,
Tracy Diamond