How You Can Get My New Book!
Frank Nunez
Day Job: Empowering entrepreneurs to build their dreams at USF's Nault Center for Entrepreneurship. By Night: Author of The World Never Waits, a spy thriller debuting Spring 2025
For the past few years I have been working on my novel Crowam 281, a story about an American orphan in post WWII London who must escape an orphanage run by a tyrannical headmaster called Mr. Hugo.
The book was a labor of love. I grew up watching adventure movies like Star Wars and Indiana, which are some of the inspirations behind Crowam.
But I never realized how difficult the publishing industry made it for authors to share their work.
That's why I need your help.
On June 29th I will be launching my crowdfunding campaign on Publishizer and I need your help sharing my story with your friends, family, and coworkers.
You can click here to check out the special bonuses I give away when the preorder campaign starts on June 29th.
And for supporting my campaign, you can get the first two chapters of Crowam 281 for free by visiting this page where you learn more about me and watch the book trailers for Crowam.
By supporting my campaign you can get special bonuses like signed and personalized copies of my other books, a thank you letter, book coaching calls, and much more!
If you want to have exclusive access to preorder Crowam, and get some awesome prizes, please preorder on June 29th at
This book would not have been possible without your support, and I thank you for that!