How you can find your purpose and wake up inspired each day ?
Julie Perret
Teacher of Truth - empowering you to heal naturally eliminate inflammation & heal. Healed from - Rheumatoid Arthritis, Iritis, Crowns - 10 years
Today I want to talk about Purpose it seems like more and more people are feeling empty and want to find purpose.
So many of us want to live purposeful life
But what is purpose?
Purpose is different to everyone it is something you love doing that makes you feel, fulfilled, happy, inspired, joyful. You wake up each morning and you can’t wait to start doing what you love doing. Purpose is strong drive from within not without.
For me for example, it is reading and studying about mind, brain and body connections linked to psychology and emotional intelligence, neuroplasticity of our brain and how people think, writing and sharing my knowledge and coaching.
I got lost for 20 years but my inner drive was stronger, so I found the courage to step in unfamiliar and live according to my purpose. I don’t remember this, but my mum told me when I was three years old I was always healing my granddad on his head telling everyone I was a healer. Funny and now I’m mindset coach and neuro-change practitioner. This wasn’t always this way I got lost in accounting filed for 20 years.
Why ? because, Iike ?majority of people I was disconnected living by social idealism what was injected and expected from ?me. And I was scared to step into unfamiliar to make it familiar.
Today when I was enjoying my walk, I met someone when I asked this person what he wants first he didn’t really know what he wants then I asked my favourite question that I ask a lot of my clients.
What would you like to happen in three years time that will make you feel thrilled on all levels of your life relationship, carrier , health what has to happen in three years ?
he replied : I want to wake up with purpose.
So I asked another question where is the gap between now and three years ?
And he replied that this is something he needs to think about and reflect, see if you feel empty inside ask yourself the same question, there is a gap between where you are and where you want to be. And you know what you want . We all know it!
You can also ask your parents what did you love doing , playing when you were a child. We don’t have memories until we are 4 but your parents will now. Also between age 7-14 what did you like doing the most.
We all want to live on purpose because internally deep down we know something is missing. Your purpose is much closer than you think. You just need to broaden your focus and expand your awareness this is very hard to do if you are stuck in fight or flight response 24/7 in your mid brain amygdala, because you shut down your executive brain 40% of your prefrontal cortex and also access to your angelic side to your soul.
Remember logic can never battle the emotion. Emotion always win , to overcome unpleasant emotion you need to have stronger positive emotion. Logic itself will never win.
What can help you to find your purpose to wake up inspired each day ?
It is all start with self awareness.
First you notice what situations, people, places, thoughts trigger you. This is you fixed mindset, your hidden past unconscious beliefs that are made to keep you safe and don’t want you to live purposeful life. This is stories you tell to yourself and you know what they are. We all know . So that’s where you need to start looking.
If you are looking to have purposeful relationship you need to start with self-love and self -awareness. So many of us are scared and ashamed to look at the mirror , this is where you start with self-love. ?If you are looking to meet someone because you are lacking love and support, it is not going to be purposeful relationship and will not last long.
Before you entre any relationship you need to feel loved from inside out, living by your highest values in life and then relationship will just expand your experience, so you are not coming to get something from relationship because you don’t have it but you are coming fulfilled, loved, happy to expand your experience with your partner.
This is number one failure in all relationships. Both parts are empty inside out looking for another person to give them love and support. You can’t give love to someone if you don’t love yourself. You can only love another person to the degree that you love yourself and another person can only love you to the degree they love themseves.You can never have enough of what you don’t have already. I’m walking my talk this is why my relationship fail.
If you are looking for purposeful and fulfilling career than ask yourself what is it I love doing and when I do it I don’t need to think about it , I forget about time and I’m fully present . I feel like this when I’m writing, reading and studying new researches, when I have powerful coaching conversation with the clients helping them.
And if you struggle with your health your body will heal itself. Remember that if you are sick with whatever allergy or autoimmune conditions, whatever it is you have and you were not born with it, then it is automatic feedback your body gives you. Your body is designed to stay in homeostatic state, ?so it simply gives you a feedback that you are out of balance somewhere, that you are out of integrity somewhere and wants you to ?start living authentic purposeful, fulfilled and joyful life.
Your body is sick of you thinking toxic , unhappy, fearful thoughts and is going ?to give you very hard time if you don’t listen. ?Scientific research proved that 90% of disease are coming from your toxic thoughts and only 10% are genetic. This is rather crazy. What most people don’t realize is the need for proper mind management and how it both supports and sustains healthy lifestyle .
As we think, the brain literally changes in hundreds of thousands of ways, on cellular, molecular, chemical, genetic and structural levels. This is called neuroplasticity of our brain and the key is that you can direct this process it is your choice. You change your brain and when you change your brain you will change your life. Your body is just an instrument of your brain and your mind controls your brain.
Your toxic stress and anxiety can be reduced by as much as 81% using mind management tools and neuroplasticity ( Dr Caroline Leaf )
We all have our unique purpose on this planet. Universe send us here with the purpose to fulfil it, and it is unique to all of us, there is no competition because you have your unique abilities that no one else is having. It is rather sad that so many people walking around without purpose and it is killing them from inside out.
Ask yourself question I wander what is my unique ability ? and don’t say you don’t have any because I can tell you from my experience and with the clients I’m working you have it, we all have it. Universe send you here with your unique purpose. You need to find it.
Under every I can’t , there is I will not , and under every I will not there is fear .
Fear is mask for Desire !
As Dr Joan Rosenberg said there is 8 unpleasant feelings we are avoiding and don’t want to face
And that's those feeling we hold unconsciously or maybe even consciously that holding us back from our true authenticity form our purposeful life.
Look what is the hidden feeling under the fear bring it to your consciousness feel ?it and then ask is my fear real ?
What the worst thing that can happen ?
What the best thing that can happen If I do what I would love doing despite my fear ? because your desire, your purpose in on the others side of the fear !
I want to give you a challenge to practice neuroplasticity of your brain and install new neuro- pathways
Write down 100 wants. I did it and first 30 it was easy, next 30 it was much harder and the rest is just now playing at the background of my mind because I really need to stretch my thinking to think about another 40 things that I want.
You can change your brain – behaviour, Thoughts, Emotions, Habits by installing and strengthening new neuro-pathways in other words new way of?thinking and feeling this will weakened the old once.
You can achieve this only by repetition
You have to change to make a change. No one can change until they change their energy the way they feel, think and behave.
Your are not your past , You live in a present moment and You are Enough!
I hope my article will help you to understand more how you can find your purpose and live to your full potential. Everything you want is much closer that you think it is within you.
If you want to know more how to create healthy, happy and fulfilled life on all levels your carrier, relationship your health then visit my website, book 15 min free conversation I’m looking forward hearing your story.